Flavius Aetius
"Computers are incredibly fast, accurate and stupid; humans are incredibly slow, inaccurate and brilliant; together they are powerful beyond imagination." - Albert Einstein

"Strategy is like a beehive, a single sting results in death, but a colony working together results in sweet things." F.
Armoured road trip!
Staff & Regiment History
Mount & Blade NW Regiments:

Ex 15th Regiment of Foot, Colour Sergeant (line) - Moved detachment
Ex 15th Regiment of Foot, Lance Corporal (Cavalry) - Reg Disbanded
Ex 7thQRC Royal Marines, Royal Marine - Detachment Left Regiment
Ex SB 40th Royal Marines, 2nd lieutenant - Detachment Disbanded
Ex 109th (Aberdeenshire) Regiment of Foot, Regular - Reg became the 2nd
Ex 2nd Oxfordshire Guards, 2nd regiment, Veteran - Resigned

Mount & Blade PW Fractions:

Ex Kingdom of Northumbria Levy - Disbanded
Ex House Connington, Footman - Disbanded
Ex House Martell, Footman - Disbanded
Ex House Dayne, Footman - Disbanded
Ex Kingdom Of Lorraine, Footman - Left
Ex Kingdom Of Finland, Footman - Merged
Ex Order Of The GoldLion, Squire - Disbanded to form Arryn
Ex House Arryn, Ser - Disbanded

Mount & Blade MarchOfRome Fractions:

Ex LegioIX, Auxillary Infantry - Disbanded

Garry's Mod Communities:

Ex Ninja-Gaming TTT Super Admin - Resigned
Ex Cloud-Gaming Dark RP Admin - Resigned
Cr₳zyNinj₳ 19 ต.ค. 2018 @ 11: 00am 
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.....'....''~-,|: : : : : : ~---': : : :,'
...............|,: : : : : :-~~--: : ::/ NEVER GONNA GIVE YOU UP
......,-''\':\: :'~„„_: : : : : _,-' NEVER GONNA LET YOU DOOOWN
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Shaka Brah 26 ก.ย. 2015 @ 5: 23pm 
Oh Danny boy, the pipes, the pipes are calling
From glen to glen, and down the mountain side
The summer's gone, and all the flowers are dying
'Tis you, 'tis you must go and I must bide.
But come ye back when summer's in the meadow
Or when the valley's hushed and white with snow
'Tis I'll be here in sunshine or in shadow
Oh Danny boy, oh Danny boy, I love you so.

And if you come, when all the flowers are dying
And I am dead, as dead I well may be
You'll come and find the place where I am lying
And kneel and say an "Ave" there for me.

And I shall hear, tho' soft you tread above me
And all my dreams will warm and sweeter be
If you'll not fail to tell me that you love me
I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.

I'll simply sleep in peace until you come to me.
Dutchy 23 ธ.ค. 2013 @ 9: 22am 
……………… …*•○♥○•*………
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…………*♥♫♥♥▬♫♥ ♥♫▬♥*♫* ………
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Fijne Feestdagen / Wishing you a Merry Xmas
En een gelukkig 2014 / And a Happy New Year 2014
Rigmis 3 ก.ย. 2012 @ 12: 12pm 
Flavius Aetius 29 ส.ค. 2012 @ 3: 45am 
No, just that I can't remember every single person I;ve met in 2 years and post them in the time i had >.<
Radiant Drink Rings 28 ส.ค. 2012 @ 1: 05pm 
So what you're saying by your post on NG is, you DON'T love me?