CrabMaster 13 JUL 2012 a las 16:24 
<_______> I was just achievment trolled. Thanks guys!
A Dragon's Gift 13 JUL 2012 a las 16:06 
Wall of Pain 12 JUL 2012 a las 22:34 
SK Jynx 13 ABR 2012 a las 13:46 
Rules and agreements have changed on WKD. Please visit the forums quickly and review them, thanks! (:
A Dragon's Gift 2 JUL 2011 a las 10:03 
CaptainNoodles 6 MAY 2011 a las 19:53 
kejopo 15 ABR 2011 a las 17:12 
where u at dawg
kejopo 6 ABR 2011 a las 16:34 
lol that dog kinda looks like u lol
kejopo 6 ABR 2011 a las 16:32 
CaptainNoodles 6 MAR 2011 a las 10:41 
A Dragon's Gift 16 DIC 2010 a las 19:22 