Max   Boston, Massachusetts, United States
That's a nice K/D you have there...it would be a shame if something were to happen to it.

...Nah, just screwing with you. I'm terrible at shooters, your K/D is safe.
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9,398 Hours played
Looking for something fun to play? It doesn't matter what you're looking for, Warframe has something for you and is willing to give it to you for free.

Looking for a high-speed, skill-based and rewarding movement system that only gets better the more you learn about it? Warframe has that.

Looking for a wide variety of playable characters, each with their own unique set of skills to help them fill a role in a 4-player squad? Warframe has 42 of them at time of writing, pick your murder method and have fun.

Looking for fun run-and-gun gameplay with entertaining and unique weapons? We're drowning in guns over here, take a few and go nuts!

Looking for fun hack-and-slash gameplay with entertaining and unique weapons? I have no clue how one dev team managed to pull of both the run-and-gun and hack-and-slash so flawlessly at the same time AND make it so easy to switch on the fly, but DE pulled it off, the crazy fools. And again, we're drowning in kill sticks over here.

Do you want objective-based single maps or an open-world experience? Doesn't matter, Warframe has BOTH. And the single maps are randomly generated too - never quite the same place twice.

Looking for an involved, expansive story with twists, turns, and emotional highs like you wouldn't believe? Warframe has that, too!

And best of all, this is all FREE. And no, this is not the kind of game that suckers you in with the free-to-play label, then excessively charges you money to get anything done. Everything that directly affects gameplay can be reasonably acquired without spending a penny. The only things that can only be bought with real money are inventory slots and cosmetic items. That's it.

Seriously, PLAY THIS GAME. As far as I can see, it's the single best free-to-play game on Steam, and I can't recommend it enough.
Mikeyd43 23 Dec, 2013 @ 9:07am 
Yet another comment to progress towards getting a badge. Quite an impressive profile you have here. I've been thinking of getting one myself, except maybe purple.