Fat Sexy slim girl
Hi i'm soraya nwn i'm fat , and i like eat cakes pizza etc my fat rp couple is fat felicia nwn
thanks for add me <333
Obesity Enthusiast 2014 年 3 月 7 日 下午 6:48 
Unfriended you because you've been gone a long time. Friend me back when you get back on :)
TenmuGaming 2014 年 2 月 25 日 下午 8:21 
Removed due to being offline for more than 90 days....When/If you return, feel free to readd
Fat Sexy slim girl 2013 年 11 月 16 日 下午 4:54 
TenmuGaming 2013 年 11 月 15 日 上午 4:33 
I have a feeling more than a few "friends" added on to that ass.
Shmoozy 2013 年 10 月 12 日 下午 4:28 
Fat Sexy slim girl 2013 年 10 月 12 日 下午 4:28 
My couple <33