Fab ulose
:pinkFlowerNKOA:No information given.
Wiggs 8 Nov, 2021 @ 5:25pm 
Hi my name is Eugene. I'm a 6'9" tidal wave of testosterone, a 420 pound UNIT oozing palpable vibrations of sex and excellence. My beard is long enough to wipe my own ass without using my hands, and when i flex my biceps the earth beneath my feet QUAKES like an entire pod of blue wales hitting the earth as they are dropped out of an entire Squadron of B52 bombers at an elevation of 73,000 feet. Don't be intimidated by my emasculating presence, i emplore you to surgically enhance your wingspan by 7 feet and EMBRACE IT. Im looking for a kawaii boo who i can binge watch the latest slice of life anime with, and who's *~-teehee-~* can resoundingly greet my enthusiastic -~*UwU*~- multiple times a day, without hesitation. When we get intimate please don't laugh at my Bolgy Wolgy. i know im stacked like an entire 72 ounce can of Bush's Baked Beans, but i assure you i am both conscience of my partner's needs and am a VERY considerate lover! now lay back, relax, and swipe right on me!