Dummy Thiccc
Dank Hill   United Kingdom (Great Britain)
God dang it, Bobby!

When I grow up, I want to sell propane and propane accessories, if my grades are good enough!

I tell you h'what. The only woman I'm pimping is sweet lady propane! And I'm tricking her out all over this town.

Head to feet, you don't cause a leak. Feet to head, everyone's dead.

Now you listen to me, mister. I work for a livin', and I mean real work, not writin' down gobbledegook! I provide the people of this community with propane and propane accessories. Oh, when I think of all my hard earned tax dollars goin' ta pay a bunch of little twig-boy bureaucrats like you, it just makes me wanna ... oh ... oh God ... it just ...

Cool Propane Videos --> Click Here

Best Regards
~ Dank Hill :SynthwaveRetroSun:
Ausgestelltes Artwork
That's a side effect of the marijuana poisoning.
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Kürzliche Aktivitäten
80 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 7. März
29 Std. insgesamt
zuletzt gespielt am 28. Dez. 2024
723 Std. insgesamt
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🕹️Pegda 9. März um 12:22 
don't forget to add me!, dominant player, solid positioning, let's keep the pressure on ˘⌣˘
Nage 9. März um 11:14 
superb tactical mind
Spawn 7. März um 19:19 
I said "it's nerding time," and nerded all over the place. :Y::A::Y:
Sainrad 3. Jan. um 11:41 
Tactical brilliance
Flamebearer🎆 24. Okt. 2024 um 11:41 
AWP legend
Spawn 2. Mai 2024 um 19:33 
This is not a bad man, and I would argue he is a good man in the few years I have known him. Maybe you think he is misguided somewhat, but I know he is a good person who will not let you down. :BL3Thumbsup: