Garrison   Georgia, United States
When I was small boy my parents gave me away to Somalian pirates for some debt my father owed from his prostitution days. The pirates raised me to be their greatest fighter, there was just one problem... I was struck down with gonorrhea after making love to the leaders wife. After Medulla Oblongata found out he killed his wife and banished me to a island, there I found a vollyball and named it "Willson" Mr. Willson and I set out on a excellent adventure, our ship name was "Wild Stallion". We then sailed to the west before we ran into a large land mass. It seemed to be uninhabited so Willison and I decided to name this new found land "America". The End!
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Brother Beocca 30 Nov, 2017 @ 4:41pm 
How much for some free wood?