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Raffie 2012年11月22日 9時06分 
Also i'm glad to hear you're still there. Don't worry, i keenly await the release of the new 3DMark. For good reason. I'm one of the few (possibly sad?) individuals who genuinely wants and craves a MS Surface RT :) I look forward to testing the software out on my new device and showing it off the friends hence ^^
Raffie 2012年11月22日 8時58分 
Indeed it is! I have some favourites there :) Long live Remedy! :D Their PC versions of Alan Wake and American Nightmare are awesome :)
UL_James 2012年11月22日 1時13分 
Hi Fluragon. Thanks for your kind words. It means a lot. I am still with Futuremark, though the rest of team are now spread far and wide doing great things at Red Lynx, Frozenbyte, Housemarque, Supercell, Rovio, Almost Human, and Theory Interactive. The Finnish games industry is stronger than ever now. :-)
Raffie 2012年11月20日 12時34分 
Hellu. Do you ever use this account any more? I know FMGS are gone, but are you still at FM overall? I know it's a bit late, but thanks for all you did for our little community. I was there from the very first Beta, and i can say you guys did a fantastic job. I miss you all :)
skates 2011年4月15日 17時39分 
Hi! You contacted me about 3 months ago about a Shattered Horizon competition that I managed to luck out and win. I'm going to asume that in the last three months you've given the prize to someone who was paying a bit more attention -- but let me know if you haven't. I'm "skates1" on the steam forums. Thanks!