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EzElise 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 26.4시간 (평가 당시 12.8시간)
Honestly this thing is a gift from god or something along those lines. I've used this thing for around a year now and it has kept my desktop interesting and entertaining. It's definitely worth the money, I'd be willing to pay twice as much for this since its so nice and works well.
2020년 9월 16일에 게시되었습니다.
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기록상 14.4시간
I tried so hard to love this game... and the time I actually advanced the story or didn't lose all my stuff after saving and launching the game I did love the game. (Please forgive my spelling, and any possible spoilers. I tried not to give too much away.)

It started out pretty well. Had to get used to the "Over The Shoulder" view but that didn't take long. I continued the storyline and got to the point where I needed a key. A key that was supposed to be safe because it was a quest item and they have a sort of dedicated inventory. But I'm not sure when or how but I lost the key somehow and no matter how many saves back I went I wasn't able to get it back. So I had to restart the game and rushed through to the end of Chapter one where you kill a boss. But without upgrading your abilities It's damn near impossible to kill the thing; and I didn't know this so I had to go back and replay that whole bit so I could actually finish chapter one.

So I finish chapter one and I'm feeling all happy and felt I would fly through the rest of the game... you can already guess... that didn't happen. I start chapter two and it didn't autosave after you finish chapter one (and yes I realize I could've saved manually but in chapter one I did that and I think it just broke the game more). Anyhoo I think "hehe better not die till it does autosave". I managed to pull that off easily enough. But I continue to advance the story and entire saves disapeared so when I got to the place where I loaded up the game I didn't have ANY of my stuff except what I got to finish the intro quests to chapter 2. Like I didn't have ANYTHING but those items (not even the useless beer I had been carrying around for drinking contests). So I try to go back and start chapter two over again and low and behold... the saves are gone.

That's when I called it quits because I then tried to go back to a save from the end of chapter one and that save put me dead center in the middle of the quests and story of chapter one.
2019년 4월 13일에 게시되었습니다. 2019년 4월 13일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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