Traps Aren't Gay [Verified] ☑
Naruto, Chiba, Japan
This was supposed to say something wasn’t it?….Erm…I shall start with the overly cliche basics, I am not your average girl…wait…I’m not even a woman…Okay scratch that. Okay, moving on, I seem to have a fork embedded in my forehead for what reasons are still unknown to me. Well damn, I just keep rambling, hell I’m sure you’ve given up on trying to figure out anything about me, or reading this in general. I mean come on, that look on your face says it all. You think I’m just trying to be witty by running you around in circles and having you read a very long “About me” section of my profile. Not only do you see me as simple minded but you also see me as very unfunny and unoriginal, which is just fine by me, I’ve learned that this place has nothing but serious business, and I accept that. So if by some random chance you’re still reading and maybe had a laugh or two, I’d like to personally thank you for getting this far and not trying to harm others due to a lack of sanity. However, I will never understand why in the world you’d keep on reading this…as it is, I’m just typing things to make this long and drawn out, You aren’t going to read this…I can say anything….I could yell out “Midgets stole my bike” and you wouldn’t care…you wouldn’t even look, all you’re going to do is just read a line then realize I’m unfunny, you don’t care about me, you don’t know what my interests are, even though they aren’t listed. I could’ve dammit, I could’ve, but you wouldn’t know because you won’t be reading this. So yeah, jokes on you buddy. See? See this face? ಠ.ಠ that’s a face that doesn’t care sir, I’m indifferent. It’s like I’m an angsty teenager and you’re my parents, I’ll look the other way because I’M INDIFFERENT. Which in reality means nothing, I mean it’s not like these words can convey a lot of emotion, by now you should’ve learned not to take me seriously in ANY context. And you know, one day, I’m going to be serious on the internet, even though that in itself is an oxymoron, I will…I have the face to prove it… ಠ.ಠ So, yeah. Any more questions? You think you’re up on a high horse now because you skipped through some idiot’s description? You might be onto something…I don’t know. As it is, I’m not even sure of the first 10 lines I typed, for all I know I could’ve explained about my dreams and feelings. Where am I again? Oh yeah, Steam, great site, I post about what I'm doing at every time and hashtag every ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ thing known to man, wait no, wrong site…what the hell is Steam again? Cue card? Oh yeah, everything store…whatever that is. I just thought I was bidding on an 8-bit character..well damn this changes my entire perspective of what I’m talking about or doing here for that matter…Oh yeah, I’m still typing my thoughts….Hmmm…I’m sure the person reading this is either…laughing or…hoping I get hit by a coconut from a 67 story building…can’t say I blame them… I mean come on, you read this far down hoping to find SOME kind of info on me…I guess the efforts were in vain…Oh well, win some lose some, surely there is a kind soul in the world who will read this once, besides me right?…right?…Guys..?….C’mon……Please….I’ll give you a dollar….Sorry people from other countries, I don’t carry your currency…, I’ll still give you a dollar…but you might look at me questionably and call me a rather mean name….it happens….I like rice….

Name: Astolfo Black

Last Seen: In Ritsuka's room

Special Ability: Idiotically high hysterical strength

Race: English/BRITISH
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andyexx [Verified] ☑ 23 Feb @ 10:28pm 
duo queued with kim jon-uwun. needs to be exterminated cause that other idiot is lame asf to play with. L + Ratio + UrDuoIsAss + JAJAJA + HAHAHA + fakaurmada
jordybox 22 Feb @ 6:34pm 
Kim Jon-Uwun is a pedo and like little kids he bragged about having cp :steamsalty::steamsalty:
healweed 16 Feb @ 11:34pm 
straight trash :coolduck:
cjiggle 16 Feb @ 11:33pm 
talked mad ♥♥♥♥ and lost, anime pfp trashcan
andyexx [Verified] ☑ 13 Feb @ 10:43pm 
ni hao mada di di mao tiananmen square :steammocking::steamthis::steamthumbsup:
The Demon 9 Jan @ 11:47pm