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Останні рецензії користувача Prime

Показані результати 1–1 із 1
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 26
3.1 год. загалом
Words For Evil is a nice little casual spelling game which can be very addictive.

+ Aesthetics are nice, cool graphical style
+ Great calming sound
+ Decent replay value, and for $3, probably more than we deserve
+ Gathering gold from victorious fights, and looting it from treasure chests is fair in itself
+ Vast amount of enemies and variations
+ Good amount of shops

- Some common words don't register as one, yet some internet acronyms or names register (eg: Lol, meme)
- Most treasure looting requires you to have an extremely wide vocabulary, perhaps equivelent to half a dictionary
- some fights are repetetive (not to many)
- bad resolution (still VERY playable though, just don't expect to be rocking out 1920x1080)

Overall, this is definately a game worth its money.
I picked it up on sale for $2.09, but it is definately replayable many times.

Додано 16 грудня 2014 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 22 грудня 2014 р..
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Показані результати 1–1 із 1