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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 8.4 hrs on record
Posted: 13 Jun, 2022 @ 11:13pm
Product received for free

i played 8 hours... ish... total and i only made it to the last boss before writing this so here's my experience with the game...

it's very visually pleasing the art style is gorgeous and so are the animations but my main issues are the lack of actual exploration because all you basically get per level... 1 rune, 1 apple for a health increase, 1 god power and 1 save point (if you could even call it that). the levels have little to no enemies usually one kind (i'm not kidding Fe's area that the game points you to has a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Zerg Rush of enemies for one of the levels (yellow head) and the rest of the game has practically nothing for enemies.

now for the bosses... oh god the bosses the only one i found half decent to fight and was relatively fun was the one that's considered the Hardest being named Kaunan (red head) because you could get an idea of the attacks by looking at the ground for the fight main issue is 90% of all the boss fights is basically a giant bullet hell and you're so ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ small that you might as well go to google paint get the pixel brush in blue have the background a redish brown and have half of the screen a giant green and then try looking for that blue dot fully zoomed out basically what your looking at when fighting the bosses there's way too much to pay attention to while you're so small that you can barely see yourself and the hit boxes overall just suck i've been hit by so many things that don't appear to hit me at all and other times where it looks like i
have to move closer to hit the boss and i don't and then other times the opposite.

the first boss: is just repetitive it's the same phase just boss get's slightly larger and attack start becoming impossible to avoid.

green boss: is overall annoying for lack of movement and proceeds to corner you on the edge of the map with vines that deal more damage than they should.

yellow boss: just spawns so many enemies that you might as well have a full zerg rush on cocaine while dealing with a giant captain america

blue boss: isn't particularly difficult it's just that why have a ice floor that actually has you sliding around uncontrollably while it can just walk on it perfectly fine and you can barely get a hit in on it.

purple boss: just turn on discord light mode or stare into the sun for 6 hours straight you'll have a similar effect to that fight

red boss: floor is lava... literally (i'm not kidding that is actually the whole basis of that boss)

final boss: unavoidable spears (and there's an achievement for not destroying any so i don't even understand how that is possible without destroying the bloody things) then phase 2 just uninstall... i'm not joking you'll want to rip your own testicles off with your teeth when reaching this part the boss is constantly moving spears are flying everywhere and you have to deal with all the previous bosses from before who's attack cover the ENTIRE arena.

the movement isn't great you are traveling large areas at a snail's pace even with the movement buff that lasts 5 seconds you can't upgrade or change weapons you're always stuck with the same Axe that's slow and doesn't do all that much damage to do basically anything to both enemies and bosses (only exception is the first boss) and the heavy attack takes a good 2.5 seconds to charge before releasing in which you'll get hit out of it.

the game is overall more of a thing that's better watched rather than played the art and animation is great gameplay on the other hand isn't that good if it had better gameplay it would be better, it feels like they focused on the art and ran out of time and rushed the gameplay which ruined it for me (mainly the final boss and purple boss)

i do hope this game does get a remake and fixes the gameplay and revamp all of it overall but because of how old the game is i doubt it'll ever happen if you want a good Norse Mythology game just go with Valheim it's more fun (unfortunately more grindy)
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