Eve Quickk
Eve   United States
I put the ME in MEME
Incompetent Ape 13.8. klo 22.54 
u r my religion
maylabell 6.3. klo 19.07 
+rep really good with a crossbow
Incompetent Ape 19.2. klo 12.02 
+rep ive always been proud of her
Incompetent Ape 21.4.2023 klo 15.26 
im so proud of u
Incompetent Ape 16.12.2022 klo 14.10 
sniff sniff sniff
u kinda smell
like a baka
eren yeager
Incompetent Ape 14.5.2022 klo 23.01 
ive been trying to reach u about ur cars extended warranty, cAn YoU pLeAsE iDeNtIfY tHe MaKe AnD mOdEl Of YoU'rE cUrReNt VeHiClE... even though we are the ones who should know since we want to help extend your cars warranty but we are terrible at scamming people reoieiosdgfgrt