Anyone need Dual Berettas?
Kez   Australia
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tappy 23 May, 2015 @ 9:01pm 
I don't think you're allowed to post those the forums but I took it anyway.

In the profession selection you should be able to select multiple fields. I am a full time student and work full time as well.

You're missing a lot of genres and themes from the genre.theme preference list and it seems some that are under genre should be under theme and vice versa. Maybe put a definition of what you consider a theme is and what a genre is

There are a lot of inconsistencies as well s unanswerable questions, like asking how much I spend on new releases within their first month. I don't, but I have to select at last $1-10, same with spending on hardware, I buy as needed so several months may go by without a pc hardware purchase but I am forced to select $1-50
MrMagic 9 Feb, 2015 @ 3:28am 
A smurf account for someone who's silver :3