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18 of 25 (72%) Ansaitut saavutukset::

Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


Complete Operation A
Avattu 30.6.2019 klo 8.11

Switched On

Complete Operation B
Avattu 30.6.2019 klo 19.09

Switched Off

Complete Operation C
Avattu 30.6.2019 klo 20.23


Complete Operation D
Avattu 20.8.2019 klo 20.13


Complete Operation E
Avattu 20.8.2019 klo 21.13

Escort Service

Keep all Wolverines intact in Operation A, Mission 3
Avattu 30.6.2019 klo 7.56

Nowhere to Hide

Finish the mission without any Jackal regenerating its shield in Operation B, Mission 3
Avattu 3.6.2023 klo 3.47

Never Knew What Hit Them

Kill a convoy target with every stationary gun in Operation C, Mission 3
Avattu 5.7. klo 3.35

Brute Force

Finish the objectives using only the Brute Shot, melee and grenades in Operation D, Mission 1
Avattu 3.6.2023 klo 3.51

Foot Soldier

Finish the objective without using any vehicles/turrets in Operation E, Mission 4
Avattu 3.6.2023 klo 4.00


Earn a star of any type in an operation mission
Avattu 30.6.2019 klo 7.41


Earn your first Gold star in an operation mission
Avattu 30.6.2019 klo 7.47

Pension Plan

Earn 25,000 XP throughout your career
Avattu 5.7. klo 3.40

Skull Combo

Complete any campaign mission with the maximum number of Skulls active
Avattu 30.6.2019 klo 7.41

Vidmaster Challenge

Complete Operation E, Mission 1 with the Hollow and Black Eye Skulls active
Avattu 3.6.2023 klo 3.57


Complete Operation F
Avattu 1.1.2023 klo 2.17


Destroy all Mega Turrets with the Grizzly tank in Operation F, Mission 2
Avattu 3.6.2023 klo 4.03

Vidmaster Challenge 2.0

Complete Operation F, Mission 4 with the Blind and Thunderstorm Skulls active
Avattu 3.6.2023 klo 4.23


Earn all Gold stars in all operation missions

Distinguished Service

Earn all medals in the campaign at least once

Weapon of Choice

Score a kill with every handheld weapon in the campaign

Powered by MJOLNIR

Use every ability in the campaign at least once

Extra Credit

Complete all campaign mission specific Assault Ops in campaign A to E

Tour of Duty

Earn all Gold stars in Operation F

A for Effort

Complete all Operation F mission Assault Ops