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投稿日: 5月22日 16時51分
更新日: 5月22日 16時52分

I have played since day one. This is my favorite 4x game to date. I cannot recommend it to anyone simply because the cost of the game for a new player to 'own' the game is FAR too high for a video game. $275 for the game and all the relevant DLC is insane. FAR beyond what is reasonable and is too greedy. The new player bundles are a joke and the rest of the bundles are not any better. Instead of solving this with a good new player bundle that reasonably prices the full game and DLCs for new players (~$120 for game + all game changing DLCs), they went with a stupid subscription based solution that makes me physically ill to think of anyone actually using. This is on-par with war thunder for scummy/greedy game practices and should never have been an option.

I cannot recommend this game to anyone and hope that this is resolved with actual bundles and not ♥♥♥♥♥♥ excuses for funneling people into that trashy subscription.
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15 件のコメント
Banaminati 8月27日 21時09分 
ima be honest meme has a point
Raijek 7月3日 11時15分 
LOL wow someone get this guy some white armor so he can white knight the game harder. Most people don't have 140$ to spend when everything is on "sale." 140$ is food for 2 weeks for most people and these days most people are struggling to put food on their plates. That probably isn't something you have to deal with, living in your mom's basement and all.
meme7832 6月21日 17時25分 
You're wrong and I've just proven it. It makes no difference whether or not you can see it. Whether or not you can do the math or follow the logic is irrelevant. Your failure to admit that you're wrong only has bearing on you. You can either admit that you're wrong like a man or you can keep complaining about the fact that you got 1600 hours of entertainment for less than $0.25 per hour.
meme7832 6月21日 17時18分 
Super Mario Bros: 5 ppl worked on it.

Stellaris: hundreds of ppl worked on it.

Super Mario Bros: No patches, no support, no work done on the game after release.

Stellaris: updated and expanded for 8 continuous years after release.

Super Mario Bros: $60 ($169.91 in 2023 dollars, not even 2024)

Stellaris: $140 on sale.

You want 8 years of continued support and expansion for free? You got it actually, b/c it's even cheaper than SMB1 was back in the day when adjusted for inflation.
meme7832 6月21日 17時11分 
It really is hilarious that someone can put 1600 hours into their "favorite" 4x game and leave a bad review b/c of the price of the game ($140 on sale, lol). How many hours did you get out of Super Mario Bros back in 1985 for $60, back when $60 was nearly a month's rent? Are you sure 4x games are your thing, if you're this bad at math? Do you really expect to only pay $60 for a game, 40 years later, especially when this game has been worked on by many ppl for an amount of time that ppl spend getting a DOCTORATE. You really have no idea what you're talking about.
meme7832 6月21日 17時04分 
It's been in development for 8 years and costs $140 with all its DLC on sale. New games were $60 back in the 80's when rent was less than $100 per month per bedroom. Those games weren't continuously worked on for EIGHT YEARS after release.

You think $10 per month is bad, but $120 one time would be reasonable. This means you expect to get more than 1 year's playtime out of this game. Do you know how long a year is? Why would anyone still be playing this game a year after they start, as if there's nothing else to play? You're awful at logistics and if you think you still have a point, you're wrong.
Natsu Cadogan 6月21日 15時56分 
Could be worse.
Inspector Gadget 6月21日 13時42分 
Whenever I see "Paradox" I immediately hold onto my wallet and try to flee. I feel bad for a friend I got involved with Europa 4, it's terrible how they milk things.
gespenst 6月21日 12時28分 
THANK YOU!!! I have been saying the same thing about the pricing policy from this company for a couple years now!
shawnsbass 6月21日 6時30分 
what dlc should i buy first for this game