Nobody   Poland
Nobody was always alone. He never had any friends, family or even acquaintances. He didn't have a home or a job. He simply existed, moving from place to place, searching for a purpose.

One day, as he wandered aimlessly through a quiet forest, he stumbled upon a small cottage. Nobody cautiously approached and peered through the window, but there was no one inside. Feeling emboldened, he cautiously entered the cottage and found a cozy interior, with a warm fire burning in the hearth.

Nobody settled in, making himself at home in the cottage. He cooked meals, tended the garden, and even found himself enjoying the solitude. As time went on, he began to realize that he had never been truly alone - he had the natural world around him, the animals, the trees, and the stars.

Nobody found a sense of peace and purpose in the cottage, and he was content with his life. He may have been nobody to the rest of the world, but to himself, he was everything he needed to be.
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lol learn to play
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