✟Dr Herring✟
Amergin Glúingel   Brynmawr, Blaenau Gwent, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Good evening. Last week we learned how to saw a lady in half, this week we're going to learn how to saw a lady in three bits and dispose of the body in a duck pond.
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How To Saw A Woman In Half And Dispose Of Her Body
Right, so apprehending a woman, chopping up her body parts, sawing her in half, placing her mangled limbs into a plastic bag and then disposing of the body in a duck pond, is an immensely complicated process and is a profession worthy of the greatest admiration and respect.

First up, you want to find a woman who is socially ostracized, or isolated, preferably at night, in some dingy, drug riddled precinct. This is recommended, because in the event of an impending abduction, the locals will presume that they are witnessing a psychedelic influenced hallucination and not a malignant kidnapping. After you find your courtesan, you want to bonk her on the head with a bludgeon and drag her into a transportation vehicle of your choice, one which you can swiftly and surreptitiously utilise, to elude prying eyes. I personally recommend a shopping trolley, dodgem go cart, a mobility scooter or perhaps a genuine car, with a loud diesel engine, if you're feeling particularly daring.

Then you'll want to drive her to a remote location, away from any signs of life or civilisation. Once you have done so, it is prudent to anticipate her screaming for help and with such thoughts in mind, I recommend that you prepare a tool of silence to muffle the wench. A plastic bag, ball gag, or dog bone oft do the trick, but I frequently find, that stroking your phallus, until it becomes erect and shoving it in the nymphomaniacs gob is as effective as any other remedy for stifling the shrieks and wails of a female.

Then, when she has been humbled and speaks only with your explicit consent, it's time for the fun to begin. Bind her in ropes and fetter her to a picnic table, or even the roof of your locomotive and whip out your trusty saw. Then begin sawing her in half, or if you're particularly daring, into three arbitrary pieces. It would be sagacious to note, that at around this time, the female, provided that she was not prior drugged, or subdued by means of severe force, will likely be screaming, BUT IT'S TOO LATE, her innards at this point will be dripping down and ill be able to finally LICK THE STRUMPETS FACE, WITHOUT HER BITING OR SNARLING AT ME! KNOW YOUR PLACE, O' ACCURSED WOMANLY WRETCH! After several moments, she'll go limp and that's when you need to think fast. Are you going to have your way with her, pump her full of cúm and defile a corpse? Or will you be a merciful man like I am and dispose of her body the good ol fashioned way, in a duck pond, leaving it sexually unscathed.

Now, with haste, get the mangled up mess you've made of the woman and store her in a golf bag, shopping bag, Ivan Milat's backpack, ANYTHING! Then transport her corpse to a duck pond and release the contents unto the opaque, turquoise waters. This means limbs, eyes, organs, everything, you are not allowed to keep her hand as a trinket or bauble, SO KEEP YOUR GRUBBY MITTS AWAY! Once you've deposited the merchandise, don't fret and ruminate about the prospect that in your wake lies a pool of vermillion blood and several limbs, for the ducks will gorge themselves on all and decimate the evidence, allowing you to be absolved from all guilt and connection to the disappearance of the depraved harlot. After feeding the ducks bread, with a side dish of whóre, I recommend that you quickly abscond and disperse yourself from the scene, lest you wish to invoke the ire and scrutiny of the bailiffs. Afterwards, you can return home, recline on your sofa, kick up your feet and open a brew of your choice, for you've finally became a magician and succeeded in your first magical act of causing a female to permanently disappear.

Boy, ain't life swell.
The Wolf
Remain wary of the wolf, despite its demeanour that depicts itself as one that is aloof. The wolf howls at night and the children are staved away, remaining at their fathers’ sides. But for every man that is nicked and gnawed upon by the snarling fangs of a wolfhound, a sceptre of vengeance arises, its gnarled hands claws and teeth bared and presenting a devilish grin.

But what is the cause for this manner of calamity that has encroached upon our lands you may inquire. Why it is the woman, fickle beasts of the burrows underground, who seek to implant the ideas of sedition and ambition in our minds, so that we may stray from the Lord’s path. Only through a damsel being forcibly strapped to a malachite table and sawn in two can she emerge as wholly pure. A woman once wretched, only once binded can her innocence be revealed unfettered and sawn in two her voice shall squeal and ichor will reveal the humanity that lay within the surreptitious maiden of turmoil and woe.

I deprive no great joy from sawing women in two and observing as they writhe in agony, as their final moments evaporate into the mists of time, albeit it is work that must be done. For akin to skinning a squirrel and amputating its skull, to play volleyball with, it is a necessity of life, the core tenants and rules that ensure we, as human beings, thrive in this world for all to envision.

Although I may be abrasive and terse, hearken to my words carefully, for otherwise you may soon be carried upon a hearse, destined for a life of eternal slumber in the grave. Ready your saw and have a gallant eye, for every woman must be judged with the ire of God, for the female is the caricature of sleuth, the epitome of being sly.
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0.6 Hours played
Everyday I have the most curious dreams of sawing women in half. Whether I proffer unto them mercy of bludgeoning them unconscious before sawing them in half, or if I tie to them to my bedchambers and use my rusty saw to cleave their body in half, amidst a cacophony of agonising shrieks remains irrelevant. The truth of the matter is that this isn't a dream, it's just an average day, for your average jo, Dr Herring. I love my job, there is nothing I wish to covet more than copious maidens, who I can saw in half. But that's not the best part, one of my most illicitly pleasurable activities is transporting them, via a golf bag, to a pond and feeding them to the ducks, my waterpond children, man's best friend. They always squark in delight as I deliver my latest batch of vittles. They chirp jubilantly as they dine on the latest delicacies, Saesneg arm, Moroccan leg and many more exotic cuisine that I bestow upon them. Oft as a reward, I am permitted to caress their fluffy heads. It is days like these where I know that God exists and loves all who dwell within his world.

There is no greater joy in life, from this end of the realm to the next, than feeding your surrogate children and envisioning the mirth that lays clear on their countenance.
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When I was a child, I came home one day to find that something had chewed through my ENTIRE collection of Welsh encyclopedias. I was so furious I couldn't sleep, and it's a good a thing I didn't because it allowed me to catch the little bastard in the act - a RAT. Damnable vermin came scurrying from behind the curtains and began nibbling on the jumper cables my dad got for my birthday. I screamed and I stomped, and I threw my tennis racket at it, but it fled behind the bookshelf to safety. When my parents came to see what the ruckus was about, they wouldn't BELIEVE ME when I told them about the rat, thinking I was just a nuisance who didn't take care of his toys. My dad rattled my skull with a coconut until I stopped making noise, because he had to work in the morning, and the next day after school I started tearing my room apart looking for the rotten creature. It was NOWHERE to be found, but signs of it were everywhere - there wasn't a cable or book that hadn't been chewed upon with disgusting little gremlin teeth, and its droppings were strewn all behind the bookshelf and the curtains and IN MY BEDSHEETS. I was FURIOUS. Mum comes in and sees what I've done, all reason apparently deserting her. She won't listen to me, accuses ME of nibbling on everything like a rodent and collecting nuggets of ♥♥♥♥ in my fingernails and scattering them around the room. EVEN TO THIS DAY she keeps reminding me about it. She keeps telling me I'm the reason she started smoking again. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥, I CAN'T UNDERSTAND WHY PEOPLE ARE SO ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ STPUID./

Over the next few weeks I continue doing battle with this rat. One time I even managed to smack it across the room with my tennis racket, but it broke the mirror and dad made me walk barefoot across the shards as punishment. Two nights later, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ rat comes back with a FRIEND of his and they munch on my toes during the night. Now, dad had never even thought of breaking my ribs, so there was no way I could have bitten my toes myself. Thinking I now had some definitive proof, I show my parents and they just say it's what happens to all naughty boys - some pygmy Korean elf comes and gnaws on your toes as you sleep. Bear in mind I was ELEVEN at this point and had long grown out of all that NONSENSE. The weeks draw on like this until one day I manage to crush one of the rats with this weird pink baton thing my sister kept in her room (still don't know what that's about????) and the other rat runs away. I'm not sure if I killed the first rat or its friend and I didn't care because I'd KILLED one of the little ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ and it seemed to scare the other one off for good. For good measure, I took a bit of string and hung the corpse by the neck from my desk lamp, just to warn off any other RAT SCUM reckoning to come on my turf. For the first time in forever I felt ALIVE. I barely noticed that my parents and sister hardly talked to me anymore.

There are quite a few incidents with rats that occur throughout my life from that point. I remember I got suspended from high school once, I was about 15, because I saw a rat climbing up a drain pipe and climbed the building after it just so I could kill the thing. I used brooms and sticks and things most of the time, but often it was just easier to get your hands around them and SQUEEZE. Ooh, I liked when I squeezed them. You know, not many people spoke to me in high school, not even the girls, which I thought was strange because I'd overheard them before talking about how GROSS rats were. I thought we'd get along, but it seems they were just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HYPOCRITES.

After school I started an apprenticeship as an exterminator. I didn't really have anything else to do at the time, so I learned fast and always worked diligently, much to the approval of the higher ups. They said I had a rarely seen passion that would take me far in the job, but little did I know that was just another lie. It been a few months and we were out on a rat job in the suburbs. The little freaks were EVERYWHERE in this dusty old shed the old woman had in her backyard. Now, we had this whole procedure with poisons and chemical sprays and whatnot, but I had always though it wasn't enough. Like, it was too clinical, you know? Not hands on. You have to let the rats know how much you HATE them or they're just going to come back eventually. So I charged in there and started stomping and smashing and screaming, painting the walls of that scumhive with their squeaking little children. ♥♥♥♥ THEIR CHILDREN especially. I hope rat females are smart enough to feel the kind of pain that only a mother can feel watching her children get slaughtered. Eventually, they start working together to climb up my legs and bite my tender parts, so I retreat to our van and get some sort of flammable spray. Then, combining that with my lighter, I go back in and just start torching the place. Oh you should have heard the screaming.

We got in quite a lot of trouble for that. Apparently that shed was full of lead and asbestos and I spread that ♥♥♥♥ around the whole neighbourhood when I lit the place up. I was fired, of course. So much for passion, HUH GUYS? And not long after all this, the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ traitors in my apartment block get me evicted because they think I deliberately encouraged a rat infestation by littering my apartment and the lobby with cheese crumbs and maggot-ridden garbage, just so I could go around killing them and smearing their innards on the doors of all the women I knew were in the building. TOTAL BULL. Yes, there was a rat infestation, and YES, I did charitably step in and apply my expertise as a former exterminator to help destroy them with the bricks I tied to my hands and boots. But I had NOTHING to do with bringing them there in the first place, and I have NO IDEA how those rat guts ended up on all those doors. There MAY have been some accidental crumb spilling, as I do like a good Lancashire, but it WASN'T MY FAULT!!

I'm at a new place now, but I haven't seen any rats yet, so you can imagine my relief when I came across this game. FINALLY, someone makes a way to let me cleave and smash and burn rats with total impunity! It's genius! I can't believe I didn't hear of it sooner. YOU CAN CUT THE ♥♥♥♥♥ IN HALF WITH A HALBERD. Trust me, if you DESPISE rats as much as I do, get this game!! It's pretty much all I do these days, but my roommate's getting me a job at Maccas so we'll see how much free time I have...
Granny's Sneaky Link 13 hours ago 
+rep Your Overwatch 2 review was perfect, the game sucked and somehow got worse and continue to slide down a mountain of embarassing dogsh*it business practices
nateraade 14 Jun @ 1:25am 
Hey, I just want to say that your review for Destiny 2 was great. Thank you for bringing their BS to light.
rx squire 12 Jun @ 9:59am 
pov: religious schizo sigma male
Making Balance 11 Jun @ 6:08pm 
you are an interesting critter bro
Nucas 10 Jun @ 11:49pm 
I actually don't remember why I opened this man's profile anymore now that I've scrolled down here. impressive.
Benzedrine 8 Jun @ 6:59pm 
so true