The Director   United States ID: ESFdirector#1183
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Top Quotes
"Welcome to the league of fabulous butt stallions" - Sexier C'thulhu 2015

"@Moist mors , aren't you just a valupscious piece of man meat" - Sexier C'thulhu 2015

"Tell him you have a small stature but a giant ♥♥♥♥" - Kurzen 2016

"Also, where the ♥♥♥♥ are my pants, ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥?" - Kurzen 2016

"I'm gonna go club some more penguins real quick" - Justiceguy 2016

"@The Enigma i need to get the smell of catnip off my anal beads, any tips?" - Kurzen 2017

"It's not gay if it's a one way" - Moist Mors 2017

"I mean, i've murdered multiple construction workers with a battle axe today so, eh" - ESFdirector 2017

"@The Speedtalker You're a luscious, buttery biscuit of man and I'd love to have you and all the baby gravy swelling in those deep tan testicles for breakfast" - Sexier C'thulhu 2017

"Write to your congressman and ask for more tanks" - Moist Mors 2017

"Every time you call your significant other Daddy, Freud's ghost gets a little bit stronger" -
Sexier C'thulhu 2017

"So, once again, i've been slid a hot and steamy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ by my mother" - Sexier C'thulhu 2018

"Santa got me a new dildo" - Fuzzypickle 2018

"My cat is giving my ear quite the tongue-♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ right now" - Sexier C'thulhu 2019

"I'll eat your leftist ass like corn on the cob, i'm ready!" - Alex Jones 2020

"We may be living in hellworld but no one said the comedy was bad" - Michael Brooks 2020

"How many men have put their rocket in your she pocket?" - Some incel that sounds like Borat 2021

"Except it’s gonna be me sporting my brand new pneumatic ♥♥♥♥ and balls turning this dudes face into a Jackson Pollock painting" - Fuzzypickle 2022

"You're gonna come back and plow her all the way into the feywild" - Sexier C'thulhu 2022

"You go ahead and karate chop the penis, which falls off" - Moist Mors 2022

"Let me introduce you to orifice butter, chapstick for your anus" - Fuzzypickle 2022

"You hear that, kitty? I have a foreskin!" - Fuzzypickle 2022

"You want some bussy, kitty?" - Fuzzypickle 2022

"We can start a wonderful band, ESF, The Wild, Wild Bussycats. If you don't like that one, an alternative is The Busstacular Adventure" - Sexier C'thulhu 2022

"If you can't sympathize with the stepmom who just wants some ♥♥♥♥, then i don't really know what to say" - Fuzzypickle 2022

"I don't have a 3rd level slot left for a rez, please use lube dungeon-daddy" - ESFdirector 2022

"It may be time for the medieval obama" - ESFdirector 2022

"I came back the next day and just plopped a grumpy right on his forehead" - Fuzzypickle 2022

"Nobody wants to see Kunge when the g-spot gets activated" - Fuzzypickle 2023

"So what you're saying is, i get a million dollars for doing ♥♥♥♥ and ball torture to a ghost once a day" - ESFdirector 2023

"Come on baby, snuff out the candles and let me into that cloaca" - Sexier C'thulhu 2023

"You have farted into the kobold's face, it now roars into your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" - Sexier Cthulhu 2023

"Ok, come at me, birds! ♥♥♥♥ ya'll!" - Sexier Cthulhu 2023

"...ranging from scruffy hobo, to full eboy levels of twinkery" - ESFdirector 2023

"Ah, yes, just casually voreing the pope" - ESFdirector 2023

"...and we'd all need to leave because they'd start squaring up to start jousting like a couple of ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ nematodes to see who would bottom" - ESFdirector 2023

"I don't know, Junkrat seems like the kind of guy who'd do selfcest" - ESFdirector 2023

"I wouldn't suck my ♥♥♥♥, but i'd let me suck my ♥♥♥♥" - Fuzzypickle 2023

" my macaroni and ♥♥♥♥, proceed to checkout" - Fuzzypickle 2023

"Your meat ring has been the candy apple that haunts my sweet dreams for years" - Sexier C'thulhu 2023

"Yeah, we have inter-dimensional salmon now" - Fuzzypickle 2023

"You mind your own business when i'm gorillaposting, alright?" - Fuzzypickle 2023

"Why does it look like super saiyan willem dafoe as the green goblin?" - ESFdirector 2024

"Just trying to club him like a baby seal" - Sexier C'thulhu 2024

"I love my fat little nutsack" - Sexier C'thulhu 2024

"They've been talking about donkey ♥♥♥♥♥ for 5000 years, chat" - Central_Committee 2025

"Unironically, as a racism sommelier, i do find it fascinating" - HasanAbi 2025
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