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WrightOnTarget 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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기록상 4.5시간 (평가 당시 1.2시간)
앞서 해보기 평가
Great concept, made perfect by attention to detail, the game that convinced me that my disturbing tendency in high school to mime counterstrike reloads in the hallways can be translated into eSports fun. It's just so relaxing to be able to do dumb meme range stuff without the danger of actually doing dumb meme range stuff with live rounds.
Graphically gorgeous without being incredibly taxing on the system, and I'm lucky enough to not really experience VR sickness, so I can just futz around and have fun for a long time. A lot of good about this game, and one of the biggest reasons I ever wanted a VR setup. Very glad to have finally gotten this.
As for controls, a majority of the controls are just incredibly intuitive, coming from Quest 2 native games such as Contractors and Pavlov, which feature similar button controls that "feel" right, such as the bolt release/slide release and magazine eject buttons; but I've noticed that this game has the ability to manually hit the bolt release on the weapon (though I'm not sure all weapons with a bolt release actually have the release noticeably pop out, gotta check that).
There's such a great level of interactivity, too, that I don't think exists in any other PCVR shooter I've ever encountered. Not only can you "physically" hit the bolt release, you can manipulate stocks, place optics and other accessories anywhere on the gun that has a rail, just basically unlimited setup possibilities.
It rocks, I'd recommend this to anyone very easily, whether they've asked my opinion or not, or if it's just a stranger in the street that's shifting away from my proximity
2022년 2월 20일에 게시되었습니다. 2022년 2월 20일에 마지막으로 수정했습니다.
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