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kayıtlarda 0.3 saat
No, just NO.
Theres a reason that funny enough a lot of Oddworld fans arent even aware this game even exists.


Munch's Oddysee's gameplay feels like it was made for people under the age of 10. This series went from a cult classic dark 2D platformer with humor, and incredible art and atmosphere, animals, and more, to the worst 3D platformer cash grab you will ever play among the piles of other garbage similar to it you will find from the early 2000s on the PS2.

Firstly, all its originality is stripped for this bright sunny forest that doesn't fit the themes of the universe usually at all, You are tasked with playing the worst version of Pikmin ever with 0 depth as you yell at a bunch of idiots do things for you. The platforming feels horrendous, and a lot of this game is the same thing over and over again with genuinely no care in the world put into it. Its also a collectathon but not in the fun Banjo Kazooie kind of exploration way no they couldn't have possibly understood what made it good. This is just scourge through giant empty maps or tiny ones to pick up small balls all over the place. This game is repetition and annoyance the game. Absolute horrendous garbage. Also, by they I mean the publishers. Not the developers. The publishers are to blame for this terrible game. Has the most disturbing bad ending in the whole series though!

Yayınlanma 1 Temmuz. Son düzenlenme 1 Temmuz.
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kayıtlarda 4.9 saat
A grid layout is what made this game playable, removing the grids made this game a massive pain in the ass. So this remake is effectively worse than the PS1 classic. The visuals are absolutely great and everything visually is wonderful to see. Being able to move the prisoners all at once is a really great addition as well. Everything else though gameplay wise is terrible. This ports controls is just ugly ugly ugly and abe feels slugish and very unresponsive. As I will beat over the head again removing grids makes this game even harder and makes it feel absolutely horrible given the game didnt change in any other way, so those precise jumps, hops or skips you needed are now super hard to get going making this game more of an annoyance than fun because of these changes. If this is something you find to have a lot of problems with and you havent played the original I highly recommend you try the classic PS1 verion that is here on steam, though it may need some troubleshooting to get running properly.

Sad gameplay changes... Otherwise decent enough game, worse than the PS1 classic though. So I dont recommend.

7/10 - for the non gameplay elements.

Oddworld: New 'n' Tastes Like ♥♥♥♥!
Oddysee better.
Yayınlanma 1 Temmuz. Son düzenlenme 1 Temmuz.
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kayıtlarda 12.0 saat
The Witcher 1 is a great story in a great atmosphere, with gameplay that has aged like milk. This aspect of it for me left me bored or straight up annoyed through its process, that for the 3rd time I have dropped this game early, the farthest I've ever ♥♥♥♥♥♥ being halfway through chapter 2. Its best to get a summary over it for lore purposes. If you have concerns about the Witchers amazing save game imports there is hardly much differences in Witcher 2 from the choices you make in this game, so it doesnt really matter, and only the choices you make in Witcher 2 will matter in Witcher 3. So if you cant stand the gameplay, combat or slog controls then its perfectly fine to pass with pretty much no downside. There is a very important reason why they are remaking this game, as it terribly badly needs it. Everything about The Witcher delivers in a pretty high 8 out of 10 way. Sometimes story moments can be done awkwardly but for the most part the story is really good and told well, but the gamplay might be enough for you to end up passing it up. For that reason, I dont recommend it, this is a rare situation where I give a game a no, despite it being a 7. If there was a thumbs middle options I would have chosen that.

Yayınlanma 29 Haziran.
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kayıtlarda 0.0 saat
Now, first I will say this dlc has had some performance issues, I very rarely experienced any but I did time to time, not as bad as many are saying or giving a bad review for however.

Now to address the people downing it for difficulty, well... Now you know you should get it.

Now, other than that. The DLC is good, Im still sick of Elden Rings boss reskins and reuse which it does a bit of even in this dlc but I also found a lot of the areas of the map to just be insanely empty. There is a lot of content here for a dlc though and I'd say its more than you are asking for it if it wasnt for the price. Regardless Is it 9/10 god hood like reviewers have said? No, I think the DLC is a bit in the main games SHADOW.

However, its still quite good, and is an enjoyable experience so if you want more Elden Ring get it, its a good 7/10 DLC.

I'll happily fight back against the skill issuers any day with my review.
Yayınlanma 25 Haziran. Son düzenlenme 25 Haziran.
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kayıtlarda 3.5 saat

This game was great it consists of 8 bosses all of which go from 1 star to 3 star difficulty. This game was really good and it completely free and I S graded every boss.

You block at the perfect time to parry, and then you have one basic attack, just like in sekiro you fill the enemies yellow bar so you can stab them in the chest. You have to do this twice. there is also a dash and a roll, and the bosses all have their own patterns and speeds but there are two universal attacks

Low: A low attacck that cannot be blocked or parried, must be jumped over, after jumping you can press jump again to stomp which will do some yellow bar damage before landing for an attack.

Stab: A stab can be parried but no blocked, a dash will allow you to duck under it for a counter attack.

This game is a great game for anyone who would like to basically try a very similar to Sekiro game for free. I know souls likes for some can be scary to even try out as they know they are really hard. You can give this a try because this is definitely as far as I know one of the only souls like games you can play for free, and while its a bit short its very very good.

Yayınlanma 20 Haziran.
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kayıtlarda 5.2 saat
Running in a maze simulator
Yayınlanma 13 Haziran. Son düzenlenme 18 Haziran.
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kayıtlarda 0.7 saat
I love this Bloodborne themed mario kart, visually it deserves an overwhelmingly positive, upgrade wise it deserves an overwhelmingly positive, story mode wise is deserves an overwhelmingly positive, map wise it deserves an overwhelmingly positive, for the bosses and arena modes it deserves an overwhelmingly positive.

for the AI it deserves a negative because its so bad it can ruin and hurt the experience. The AI cant race the track they get stuck in a corner, in arena they just sit facing a corner stuck, the bosses even get stuck in a corner, EVERYTHING GETS STUCK IN THE DAMN CORNER. Fix this, then the game will be a great little free game. It still is but this is horrendous. The ai in Twisted Metal 2 on the PS1 kicked my ass sometimes and in this game for the time period of games it mocks its AI is somehow less polished and worse than them. Thats my only feedback for an update other than adding boss rush modes or arena modes in the free play.

Wonderful work on everything BUT the AI. What a wonderful little free game.
Yayınlanma 8 Haziran.
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kayıtlarda 3.1 saat
This game was somewhat philosophical? Why? Because making eggs on Mount Everest is very important. Dont underestimate it.

Also, I too ♥♥♥♥ like Kevin, you should too.
Yayınlanma 25 Mayıs.
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21 kişi bu incelemeyi yararlı buldu
3 kişi bu incelemeyi komik buldu
kayıtlarda 1.2 saat
I got to play this for free and I feel insulted.

Errands in an empty map simulator. What a joke of a Fallout game.

If you want to play Fallout after watching the recent show, play New Vegas.
Yayınlanma 15 Nisan. Son düzenlenme 15 Nisan.
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kayıtlarda 4.3 saat (İnceleme gönderildiğinde: 3.2 saat)
Slice & Dice is a wonderful turnbased roguelike rpg that might remind you of something of the likes of Slay the spire. You have a party, that you evolve overtime, with different dies which you role and can place in the slot to choose that attack, you can take any die you want each roll, but you can only roll two times. Its a very fun game with strategy and luck. Very fun and great. If you like a game like Slay the Spire I highly recommend you play this too if you think it looks interesting very good.

Yayınlanma 12 Nisan.
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