Conor Couts   Florence, Kentucky, United States
Yeet me off a bridge.
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YungDueceMane 30 Dec, 2024 @ 9:40am 
Sorry for blowing you up, also sorry if it was overstepping texting the number I found when I searched your name. I’m beating myself up over not seeing your message for so long. Thanks again for reaching out.
YungDueceMane 29 Dec, 2024 @ 9:39pm 
Hey bud, I know its been a lot of months but whether or not you still have the deck I'd appreciate it if you reached out just so I can know what happened. I'll even pay you for it if you still have it. I got that steam deck with my brother and we stayed up all night, set them up, and modded them together; he took his own life just that same week you messaged me and I've been out of it. It was very sentimental to me. Even if you sold it which I wouldn't blame you for I'd really appreciate it if you could put me in contact with that person I'd offer to pay them. Things are tight i haven't replaced one for myself yet but that system I modded with my brother are worth a lot to me. Sorry it took me so long to see your message.
YungDueceMane 28 Dec, 2024 @ 9:27pm 
thank you so much if you still have it id really appreciate it if you could reach out. i now its been long time you might not have it anymore but add me back and let me know where you found it.
YungDueceMane 28 Dec, 2024 @ 9:24pm 
This is the person who's steamdeck you found