Warframe Road to True Master Mastery Rank
June 17, 2016 -- October 02, 2023
True Master Since October 02, 2023
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This is almost like a movie, epic frame of something greater. This scene is sooo coool.
Review Showcase
2,067 Hours played
It has been long time...

Everything started with Vor’s Prize in mid 2014.... Unbelievable that by the time of me typing this review is already mid 2023. Did not took a long time and the game saw a new mechanic, yet not well used till this day, Archwing. They serve their purpose, but still, it would need some modifications. With progression during 2015, the game got 4 new story quests while Natah being one which changed the view for this game forever and The Second Dream brought a new cinematics to the quests. Since The Second Dream we waited for year to get the new, game changing quest, The War Within. The game got few quick, brief, story quests in the year 2017 up to the next big quest, The Sacrifice. It was silent for 3 years before we got a new quest extending the story by massive chunk. The New War came by end of 2021. Yes, there were few short quests but they served minimal purpose in the main story for their short playthrough.

Now here we are, 1 500 hours later since my last review, and over 5 years later, and despite the feeling that the game is dying in the past, I returned back several times to get some fun as this games provides.

Now we have a Duviri paradox here and I am ready. But before I will jump into this, there is one last thing I have to do. Time for replay. The very next thing I do is to recall all the quests from Natah up to The New War Included. This will help me to sort out things in my head and will get me back on track.

Although many things changed, the game is still possible to be played for free, while enjoying the premium, as you can get the currency by trading with players. The game is still the Farming Simulator 3000, but it is fun. You have nothing to lose, just gain the hours of fun and a new addiction to get.

Tenno, the space needs you.
Here I come, the game deserves the rating I gave 9.5 / 10.
thorekk 10 Aug, 2023 @ 2:49pm 
th0rekkk was here :f1m22car:
Mellow 5 Nov, 2020 @ 2:36pm 
chlap jak se patři +++rep :SE4Italia:
-D4vEØFF 6 Jun, 2019 @ 2:02pm 
Signed by D4vEOFF :caveblazersheart::Pinkdoughnut: