过去 2 周的游戏时间:

已获得 6 / 33(18%)项成就:

Fire Barbarian - Dungeon 1

Complete the Fire Barbarian Dungeon 1.
9 月 9 日 下午 9:10 解锁

Necromancer - Dungeon 1

Complete the Necromancer Dungeon 1.
9 月 11 日 下午 8:31 解锁

Mechanoid - Dungeon 1

Complete the Mechanoid Dungeon 1.
9 月 14 日 下午 9:11 解锁

Shaman - Dungeon 1

Complete the Shaman Dungeon 1.
9 月 15 日 下午 7:38 解锁

Black Wizard - Dungeon 1

Complete the Black Wizard Dungeon 1.
9 月 16 日 下午 8:38 解锁

Ice Paladin - Dungeon 1

Complete the Ice Paladin Dungeon 1.
9 月 18 日 上午 12:05 解锁

Fire Barbarian - Dungeon 2

Complete the Fire Barbarian Dungeon 2.

Fire Barbarian - Dungeon 3

Complete the Fire Barbarian Dungeon 3.

Fire Barbarian - Dungeon 4

Complete the Fire Barbarian Dungeon 4.

Fire Barbarian - Dungeon 5

Complete the Fire Barbarian Dungeon 5.

Necromancer - Dungeon 2

Complete the Necromancer Dungeon 2.

Necromancer - Dungeon 3

Complete the Necromancer Dungeon 3.

Necromancer - Dungeon 4

Complete the Necromancer Dungeon 4.

Necromancer - Dungeon 5

Complete the Necromancer Dungeon 5.

Mechanoid - Dungeon 2

Complete the Mechanoid Dungeon 2.

Mechanoid - Dungeon 3

Complete the Mechanoid Dungeon 3.

Mechanoid - Dungeon 4

Complete the Mechanoid Dungeon 4.

Mechanoid - Dungeon 5

Complete the Mechanoid Dungeon 5.

Shaman - Dungeon 2

Complete the Shaman Dungeon 2.

Shaman - Dungeon 3

Complete the Shaman Dungeon 3.

Shaman - Dungeon 4

Complete the Shaman Dungeon 4.

Shaman - Dungeon 5

Complete the Shaman Dungeon 5.

Black Wizard - Dungeon 2

Complete the Black Wizard Dungeon 2.

Black Wizard - Dungeon 3

Complete the Black Wizard Dungeon 3.

Black Wizard - Dungeon 4

Complete the Black Wizard Dungeon 4.

Black Wizard - Dungeon 5

Complete the Black Wizard Dungeon 5.

Ice Paladin - Dungeon 2

Complete the Ice Paladin Dungeon 2.

Ice Paladin - Dungeon 3

Complete the Ice Paladin Dungeon 3.

Ice Paladin - Dungeon 4

Complete the Ice Paladin Dungeon 4.

Ice Paladin - Dungeon 5

Complete the Ice Paladin Dungeon 5.

Daily Dungeon First Victory

Win your first game in the Daily Dungeon Mode.

Daily Dungeon 5 Victories

Win 5 different games in the Daily Dungeon Mode.

Daily Dungeon 10 Victories

Win 10 different games in the Daily Dungeon Mode.