Djack Ryan
I don't believe in God, there is no invisible man in heaven. But there is something that dominates us all, a combination of our common efforts, a great chain of production that unites us. However, it is only when we act in our own interests that the chain pulls society in the right direction. The chain is too strong and unpredictable for even one government to manage it. And if someone claims otherwise in front of you... so he either put his hand in your pocket or put a gun to your forehead.
Shaвухоw 27/fev./2021 às 1:16 
D.Reihard 1/nov./2019 às 4:03 
Когда решил заказать пиар у хача
D.Reihard 26/mai./2019 às 0:15 
dn1pro 27/abr./2019 às 3:04 
Ты ж не румын!:steamfacepalm: