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Évaluations récentes de DisableBore

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239 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
14.9 h en tout (13.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
To preface, I would encourage you to buy this on principle alone.
The developer was one of the few indies who followed the original Steam Regional Pricing in my home country when everyone else just bumped it to 500% simply because he said he knew it would suck for honest buyers and understands what it is like to be poor to buy a game. And for hyping the sequel, he simply gave away the first game for free for everyone to try it. Oh and the supporter pack gives most of the money to the composer.
For these things alone, this dev gets my seal of endorsement, and I encourage you to support him.

OK about the game now. Intravenous 2 is everything good about the first game and more. This is a straight improvement on nearly every front, with even more guns, complex levels, and edgekino writing of the highest caliber.

By far the best addition is the two distinct playable protagonists, one who starts better suited for stealth and one for combat, which highlights the best aspect of both games: Intravenous is one of the very few titles where stealth and guns blazing are both extremely enjoyable, well developed, and a lot of fun. Thanks to this separation, you get to enjoy both extremes at your leisure much easier than before.

To add a cherry on top, the soundtrack is again incredibly strong regardless if you are sneaking around non lethally or carving your path like a madman.

100% recommended for stealth action purists and rambos alike. This is an excellent sequel that surpassed all my expectations of an already super solid indie game. Buy it.
Évaluation publiée le 6 octobre 2024. Dernière modification le 7 octobre 2024.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
27.5 h en tout (27.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Overall I am positive about Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster but it comes down more from the core game being just as strong as before. In many aspects, I would say recommending or not this game depends on multiple factors that boil down to personal preference. And while I enjoyed my time with it as a megafan of the series, I also cant deny it has problems worth pointing out.

As such I will put it like this:

If you never played Dead Rising, or the first game didn't click with you, try this one out.

If you are a fan of Dead Rising, it really depends.

In many ways, this remaster does exactly what it says. It retains the core gameplay, zany physics, systems and general structure of the cult classic. The mall had some visual makeovers that are in some areas decent, and in others a bit too noisy, but for the most part the environment is almost 1 to 1, allowing a veteran player to quickly get back in the groove.

Get in the mall, and in 72 hours, rescue survivors, defeat colorful bosses with absolute prime 2000's bangers as themes, use anything you can find to fight zombies, and uncover a conspiracy.

This is at the heart still my beloved Dead Rising, but with a new coat that isn't what I am used to.

OK let me get it out of the way. Survivors are still vulnerable, but are not as colossally mentally handicapped, or endure anything like DR2. I think it found the perfect balance now. I like their voices overall, as they can more easily shine and stand out, even if I find the stupid hints annoying.

Every dialogue is now voiced, and all voices are re-casted. Sadly, not everyone is as good, and while I warmed up to some of the voices, the feeling that its just wrong never went away.

Some gameplay elements have been altered or added, such as a time skip mechanic that allows you to skip time gradually or insanely fast. Useful for achievement runs or running thru the main story, but in my opinion should be a new game plus feature.

Some new magazines have been also added to play around with, and some weapons had rebalances. A few better than others.

The most perplexing change is PP gain rebalance. As you do stuff in the game, you level up with these points, but now you get significantly more points with photos. The amounts needed to level up seem way lower too.

I will clarify that my first run was aiming for perfect run, as in everyone saved, all bosses, all collectables. And likely its the same for veteran players, so while a casual newcomer might now be as affected, this does still damage the early hours that force people to learn the mall, rescue people, and try to maximize how efficient they are, a consequence of how vulnerable you start.
I think this move was a mistake, and I believe the game should had a classic and rebalanced option for leveling, similar to the classic and new controller layout. It simply does not have that same level of "clawed effort" progression that made mastering the original game so satisfying.

Infinity mode now is both harder and easier, with time skip being available and more drops, but survivors are random and dangerous enemies spawn after day 2, forcing you more to proactively fight them off. I also crashed three times trying to get 7 Day Survivor, so that blows too.

Other changes include zombie genocider being a cumulative thing instead of doing it in a single go, and a magazine that grants all unlockable skill moves early in before you level up- Great for trying them out as a newbie. I also like all DLC customes from the Xbox 360 version are now tied to challenges.

A very strong point of contention for me is the content alterations that were made to the game. The photography tag Erotica was removed and and a quest related to it was changed, and two psychopaths had altered visuals and dialogue. Everyone already beat that horse so I'll just say that I do not like changing content for any reason whatsoever, I feel that its better to suck up a perceived mistake of a different time instead of trying to address it this poorly. It was content in the original game, and as such it is a negative to lack it, period.

So, the short is that while I can imagine a new player greatly enjoying this game, I struggle recommending it to a veteran. If anything for them it's a power fantasy version of it, which might have some appeal.

But unlike most publishers, at least the original is still available on Steam in all it's glory, and at a slashed priced to boot. If you can simply adjust to it, I think it overall is a better product for the money, and its not just nostalgia, I find the presentation aged far better than one would think and I find the balance of the game more polished and refined.

So in the end, like I said, it depends on you, the player. Dead Rising is still a worthwhile game regardless.
Évaluation publiée le 5 octobre 2024. Dernière modification le 5 octobre 2024.
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41 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
5.3 h en tout (4.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
For a one man game, Hollowbody is a crazy achievement. It has a vibrant amount of soul, and a clear focus on being an unsettling, slow burner filling you with unease, instead of an intense or emotional ride.

I cannot praise the audiovisual presentation enough, the game captures perfectly the vibe it's going for with these extremely well textured models and environments that have a narrow amount of polygons.
The audio creeps up on you slowly and the general ambience is excellent to keep you on edge as the game world whispers environmental storytelling to you.
As an atmospheric tour in a somehow more horrific England, this game excels.

As a survival horror game, I am slightly wishing more. There is a limited enemy and weapons roster, and while the combat does the job, it nearly falls from the "intentionally bad" to "player killing handicap" at a specific stage later in the game. There is also some audio mixing issues with some dialogue, which can make some scenes difficult to understand. And on a personal note, I wish the game had harder and more varied puzzles.

But ultimately, I do want more. I would love to see more of this bleak futuristic noir setting, and get a look into the bigger picture of the story. New Game Plus offers some replay value with a FPS mode and difficulties, so that will do for now however.

Thumbs up, definitely pick it up if you are looking for a game to play with good headphones in the dark.
Évaluation publiée le 15 septembre 2024.
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6 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
6.3 h en tout
Pretty solid port of the only game where you can find every secret in a level except the key item needed to progress.
Also winner of the best "reach out for a neck wound" death animation of 1997.
Évaluation publiée le 9 septembre 2024. Dernière modification le 10 septembre 2024.
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14 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
8.3 h en tout
The juxtaposition of a well realized bleak urban atmosphere with some stellar original music and well aged facial capture against this plot hole ridden mess, uncanny body movements and bananas QTE moments create this insanely enjoyable little mess. While the second half does pick up substantially, and it's definitely possible to enjoy the game earnestly, it will take a lot of endurance to not crack at the sheer number of silly things if you keep looking for them.

I do think the game was very close to being something so much better than it ended up with some small changes to the script and pacing, which does make the shortcomings more frustrating. This, and the "non" gameplay makes this a middle to no recommendation if you can only take a game seriously.

Now, if what you want is entertainment, do pick up Heavy Rain if you have never played it because boy this is a genuine clown show ride to remember.

I understand that the developers might be disappointed that I laughed more than anything else, but at least know you kept me well entertained back in the PS3 days to platinum the game and get all endings, so that's worth something.
Évaluation publiée le 9 septembre 2024. Dernière modification le 9 septembre 2024.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.0 h en tout
Great soundtrack, trash!
Évaluation publiée le 18 aout 2024.
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5 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
20.2 h en tout (19.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
A bumpy but extremely enjoyable ride.
More of a visual novel with proper gameplay than anything else, but there is so much to like about Wolfstride.
The No More Heroes like structure moves along the plot, going from grinding minigames and sidejobs to upgrade your mech and get new attacks for these fun clashes against other mechas. Initially the premise is super entertaining, but sadly, you eventually will encounter loopholes within the combat system, and its very easy for the daily tasks to be very grating, and the money grind tiresome. More when initially, you lack some useful upgrades that ease the small roster of side jobs that allow getting more money.

But what completely carries the game is not this repetitive loop, it's the S tier gang of deplorable underdogs starring the show, expressive portraits, soundtrack and the magnificent voice performances of the cast bringing these loosers to life. There is so much personality, charm and character on offer.

I don't think this type of game is for everyone, but damn I had a really good time with this one, and I believe it deserves more attention for being a neat little game.
Évaluation publiée le 18 aout 2024.
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22 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
0.0 h en tout
Fight alongside MSX Solid Snake, this DLC is like a quality fanfiction you want to take as canon because it's just cool.
Évaluation publiée le 17 aout 2024.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.0 h en tout
As a successor of the lineage of Lucasarts, incredible music was almost a requirement by law. Thankfully, Jared Johnson didn't disappoint, and this excellent release is proof of his talent and the impact score can have on a game.
Évaluation publiée le 15 aout 2024.
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4 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.0 h en tout
So much character, charm and quality. I doubt the series would have even half of the joy without this excellent score.
Évaluation publiée le 15 aout 2024.
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