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yhteensä 844.9 tuntia (167.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
>*A Steam code slides from a message sent by a friend
>'I want you to try this game. It's one of my favorites! ;) ' gets added to the message with joyful glee
>I'm reluctant at first, but I always like giving things a genuine try
>First session with said friend goes as well as anyone could ever imagine...
>'Yeah this monster is meant to be the first brick wall for many' my friend comments as a kind remark
>I am now livid in silent rage after being rag-dolled over and over like a wet kleenex by an arsonist T-Rex with a stuffy nose
>mfw I learned there is an early quest involving TWO of these Late Cretaceous looking mfs as ONE hunt quest
>I ready up like any other hunt before it. Health potions in one hand and a grappling hook on the other. Like anyone does
>Be me, as I square once more up against the monster that knocked me out cold 3 times back to back
>Cut to me mounting its head, violently sling shooting one of its eyelids and make it crash unto a tree on the forest
>I run to its tail as fast as I can, as it is now having a dyslexic attack on the ground. Similar to my late vaping grandma
>I go for what's called a 'Full Flourish Combo'. A vulnerably locked animation sequence, but returns with huge damage
>I time EVERY part of the sequence correctly as I saw big orange numbers go bigger and bigger as I slashed its extensive tail
>The tail gets CLEAVED OFF its body and what was once a roaring beast now whimpers like a sad dog at an empty shelter
>Pause frame immediately. With the reader sitting right next to me at a couch in front of a TV screen picturing the tale
>"What the hell, I thought you said this monster moped the floor with ya! Just learn to use one move and that's it?!"
>Believe it or not, reader, I lied. Something DID change this time around when starting the quest, but it wasn't in-game
>I now knew my equipment and weaponry better
>I now knew how the monster moved and what element types inflict the most amount of damage to its body
>I now knew the list of moves I could do to close in on it and even start the Full Flourish Combo (FFC) in the first place
>My character didn't 'Level-Up', gained a new skill point to use or began button mashing to do a high damage combo
>I was the one 'Leveling Up', I was the one gaining new skills and timing the fight at MY pace and not the monster's pace
>I took a quick but astonished look at its severed tail before giving chase to its rapid but ultimately vain escape
>'Oh my God...I get it now...' and just like that, I was hooked

All format jokes aside, thank you so much for reading my 'green text' story. I thought it'd be funny given my pfp. I've clocked in +165 hours by now, but this story happened in the first 5. With that said, I do hope that if you give it a solid try, that you too get a story such as this one...and also share it at 7AM...with internet strangers
Julkaistu 3. joulukuuta 2023 Viimeksi muokattu 3. joulukuuta 2023.
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