Bob McBob   United States
Profile yes yes
I play games but I like RPGs the most
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Review Showcase
Not worth it.

  • All of the routes within Completing the Mission are too fast to appreciate, which causes it to fail to make up for watered down old content which was free.
  • You can experience everything the game could offer by watching someone else play the old/new games.
  • Biography sucks and exists to pad non-existent runtime.
  1. Completing the Mission's routes ar too fast which causes it to feel very surface level and have too few avenues to explore. All routes except for one have only one ending (not including a secret ending which I was too burned out to bother getting).

  2. The biography is atrocious and should've never been considered, it only exists to artificially extend the runtime of the game by forcing players to replay long-winded scenes with a lot of people in the background. The power armor scene in Infiltrating the Airship, every scene after getting to the surface when breaking out with Ellie in Fleeing the Complex, and every route that takes place near the rocket of Completing the Mission are all guilty of this. It's so bad that I will never get all of the achievements in this game, it isn't worth it.

  3. The references were watered down heavily in order to be able to be sold commercially, so unless you've seen the original flash games, they may be lost on you, and if they aren't, they are a clear shadow of what they were before.

  4. If you've seen a let's-player play this game you've seen all the content. This isn't normally a problem for most story based games or walking sims but this game's popularity is built on the fact that so many let's-players have shown off every corner of the game, so any potential players have already likely seen everything this game offers.
Sided Ace 23 Jul, 2019 @ 3:45pm 
This ♥♥♥♥♥♥ nerd doesn't play CS
CantEscapeYourFACE 11 May, 2018 @ 6:50pm 
Kobbert 2 Apr, 2018 @ 1:50pm 
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