
Dr. Vespera Neoglam Glitchblade の最近のレビュー

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Only half an hour in and I'm really enjoying it! It strikes a few of my 'hot buttons' and for those who understand the context I STRONGLY urge you to give this one a try, especially since it's the first of it's kind to make it too steam! DEV[S] - if you see this THANK you and congrats on you being the first to get one of it's kind on here! =3
投稿日 2021年11月4日.
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総プレイ時間:53.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:52.5時間)
I do recommend this game, its a nice alternative to COD HOWEVER!!~ There ARE things that need addressing when you consider this game. Let me break it down as quick as I can....while remaining coherent.

One: Is it pay to win? yes AND no - you CAN get the other mercs/champions via the in game credits but you will spend about a solid month or more gathering the credits for 90% of them (Thats at about 8-10 hours of gameplay a day). You start with two, a general assault and a medic. The loadout cards which change are in your loadout (go fig right? >*> ) on the merc can be obtained through cases and ranking them up/down HOWEVER the base case is the only one you can buy with in game credits which are 1K a piece.....5 matches minimal for 1k unless you bought a booster Via real money. Dailys can be completed to get credit boosts, but theyll go fast....trust me, most of them are 500 a pop.

Two: The Loadout Cases - RNG DUA PDC NIGHTMARE (for those who dont understand - Random Number Generator Dead Upon Arrival Percentage Drop Chance @*@ ) As stated above you CAN buy cases with in game credits, however....these are the BOTTOM level cases these are the cheapest of the cheap, the scraping of the barrel level cases. Heres how the loadout grading system works, its all metal names in terms of grade - Lead, Iron, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Cobalt. PER bottom grade case you have a 80% chance of it being lead, the top teir which is cobalt has a 0.1% chance. The higher tier cases obviously have a higher chance of something good...but those cost RL money and cannot be purchased via in game credits. As if this werent tedious and such enough, you can upgrade to a higher card by turning some in - example: 3 lead + 500 credits = iron. You upgrade to any merc you HAVE or that are in free rotation, but the higher the teir the higher the cost going from 500 credits to the following - 2k,4k, 10k, 20k. Each tier taking more cards than the last. Cobalt being the highest at SIX golds. To top this ALL off - unlike most games with simillair things involving things like these cards....there is NO trading system, far as I know there will never be one, so if you BY CHANCE get a cobalt for a merc your friend has or vice versa....you cannot trade it to them. They just implimented a system where you could take cards of the same teir -3- and combine them into ONE of the SAME tier card for a merc you own or a random merc.....this is not useful to ANYONE! Why would players do this rather than save them up for a gold to a merc they DO have? ANYWAY moving on.

Three: The loadout cards - NEEDS WORK!!: As stated above they are used to change your loadout in your merc however....this also has issues and a horrible system. You CAN buy loadout cards with in game credits (17k which is a nightmare to get even WITH a booster - 5 - 20 USD) But with no trading system it gets REALLY tedious. Oh....and you can only buy up to BRONZE teir, you have to earn the others OR buy the cases via credits or RL money. (covered most of this above but SCREW it here we go onto the MOST important parts.

Four: Matchmaking/Squad Making with friends - THERE IS NONE!!: Thats right....there is NO matchmaking system implimented other than severs that are locked to those below lvl 10 and above lvl 5.....yeah that helps us alot. Squad making is ONLY available in competitive mode....what is this? Well your level doesnt mean SHIZ here, hell is doesnt even show up! You -and your squad if applicable- are thrown into a random sever, playing a mode that seems to be stopwatch only (think time trail mode, two modes, whatever time the attacking team puts in round one....the other team must beat that time in round two in order to win) The part that erks me is this is the most lagtastic section of the game filled with lovely people who degrade and birate and troll newcommers into -getting good- WITH that if you quit.....you get a PENALIZATION to your account!! Played that mode once.....havent gone back since.

Five (and the best point I think): This is said to be the beta.....IT PLAYS LIKE AN ALPHA!!: Bugs, glitches, lag, breaches you name it! Wether it be in game or the swiss cheese lined softwire slab they call an anti-cheat/hack security system, this game will screw you over! The main one I've been seeing lately is my friends among MANY others getting KICKED -for security violations- when they have done nothing wrong! On my teams and they're teams it's been happening to us for a good long time and continues to get worse! YES people tell me that I can't ♥♥♥♥♥ because it's a beta...we should EXPECT issues.....these...are not beta issues....these are ALPHA issues! How can something be debugged when you can't even stay in the program?! They even admited the system has flaws but have not done anything to better them.

IN conclusion I give this game a 5.5/10 - this game is GREAT is has ALOT of potential but they have got a LONG way to go before it is even a full functioning BETA.....much less a full release. I may come back in a month or so to see if it has improved, something tells me it wont. Seems the more they try to -fine tune it- it gets WORSE.
投稿日 2015年10月9日. 最終更新日 2015年10月9日
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I do and do not reccommend this game, The creators have made this game exceptionaly fun and a unique experiece. The gameplay and mechanics are very well done as is the story line and quest lines. HOWEVER.....some major things they messed up on.....badly. Making bosses that are extremely difficult and nearly impossible unless your a healing classs build....I do not exagerate this in the least....why is this?.....they make these boss fight's SOLO INSTANCES - you are by yourself even if your in a party.

I run with two others that play it, one of us has made it, he is a blood magic/rifle build...a healer dps. I am a elemental/pistol build a dps tank. The third member is a shotgun/hammer build, a heavy tank. Our healer has killed and surpassed every boss we have come across thus far....and we arent even off the STARTING area and we've been at it for 2 months. Me and the main tank however.....have not.

Healing items are scarce and unobtainable outside random drops. Sure there is ONE vendor we know of who sells extremely weak ones, well below our levels but will only accept black bullion.....4 a piece and these bullion can only be obtained through completing quests, these are also used to buy the best ranked weapons and equipment for you at a time. At most you will earn 3-4 per quest that has 9-12 tiers to complete.

I would be posting this on the normal forums however they seem to have been shut down or some such. My user name and password are no longer valid on them and I know I'm not banned as I've never recieved a notice nor have I ever posted before.

They have disappointed me dearly, this could have been something epic.....sadly it has fallen short, one should not need veteran rated gear and weapons and or dungeon A+ grade gear and weapons to complete the task. They have decided to put raid bosses in the game without the choice or ability to have....ya know...a raid. A team of 8+ people.

I have put money into this game past the initial purchase.....so I feel I have been ripped off and stolen from. I would rather see this game be done correctly....with the choice of having friends assist you...alas that does not seem to be the case anytime soon.

Unless you plan on putting a butt ton of money into the game to get the high tier stuff early on.....I do not reccomend this game to you or anyone for that matter. - Correcting this two hours later after checking, chances are putting all that money in wont really matter either as the only usefull thing you could buy are more skill points.....which mean very little against these bosses.
投稿日 2015年9月21日. 最終更新日 2015年9月21日
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総プレイ時間:510.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:106.8時間)
First time in a LONG time I've come across something original AND Isn't pay to win, no amount of money will bring you above everyone else....less it's in fashion. Teamwork, communication and skill is what will win you the fights in this one. This game really reminds me of my most favorite RPG of all time - Skies Of Arcadia Legends. This game IS worth the money and the time by far. 5/5 for me.
投稿日 2015年5月25日. 最終更新日 2015年7月1日
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