Depthan_   Germany
Affiliated Twitch Streamer

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Twitch Streamer! -> Welcome to my profile :) <-
You want to add me?
If you want to add me you have to write the reason for adding me in the Comments - If you don't do this I will ignore you!
Personal Informations
Name: Daniel
Age: 24
Home: Bavaria, Germany
My Teams:
-> Former Manager of Team Nixus
Are you playing Fortnite?
- Yes I am, Epic Games name: TTV Depthan_
Social Medias
Camera Settings []
Twitch []
Want me to sign your Profile?
I will sign your Profile, just leave a comment. :) Want to add me? Write a reason in the comments, otherwise i will ignore it :)
GAMBIT 22 sep 2020 om 3:20 
pls sign bro ;)
JonnySousa^-^ 15 feb 2020 om 4:37 
Gg and could you sign me pls
glaive lover 27 dec 2019 om 11:47 
thanks for the sign and ggs!
Fino 20 dec 2019 om 14:17 
schnaax (already in your friendlist)
Just my second acc, would have a question :)
gnz. 17 dec 2019 om 10:18 
u have to add me cause im spanish
gnz. 23 nov 2019 om 2:10 
sign me please