Denver   United States
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Check out my music: Denver Austin (On Everything)

Denver is the name, sucking ♥♥♥♥ is my game

PC Specs
CPU: ♥♥♥♥ spinner
GPU: Integrated Ass
Case: Toilet seat 12.5
Power Supply: Energizer Bunny
Motherboard: Lego
RAM: 32 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ of DDR10

G2 SmithZz
Liquid AdreN
FaZe NiKo
EchoFox roca
LG shz
C9 Swag
Optic RUSH
LG FELIPPE (coach)
LG destiny
Misfits seang@res
Misfits Relyks
Cloud9 Shroud
NRG ptr

Zurzeit offline
Hopskippity 24. Aug. 2022 um 19:34 
suuuuuper cringe
Vojtěch 13. Dez. 2019 um 15:07 
add me plase, wanna talk
EnterGehenna 20. Aug. 2019 um 19:05 
upset trash
L1nkC 16. Aug. 2019 um 19:15 
Why were you with Plats? Did your account derank?
Cheet 28. Juli 2019 um 19:57 
only c2 wow ur trash
Squishy 7. Feb. 2019 um 11:01 
Signed by the Muffin Man <3