CaveDog [ZeH]
Jack of all, Ace of none; Diversity is the key...or was it memory?

About: Average mook, indulges himself in many different genres of games and art. Wannabe voice actor and digital artsperson with a couple years experience in online content broadcasting.
:cleankey: We don't talk about the risqué side much, but it's there

Now also on twitch @
Skills: Novice VA, Novice digital artist, Listener / Secrecy adjutant, Novice streamer

Pretty withheld, but if I for some reason caught your attention, personal contact's possibly the best next step to get me to open up. Perhaps...

P.S.: Don't mind the size of my wishlist. It's more of a collection of bookmarks for games I find intriguing.
Currently Online
Rarest Achievement Showcase
ZPE 3 Feb, 2018 @ 6:31pm 
ZPE 14 Sep, 2017 @ 10:15am 
Another one off your wishlist :
doxus 10 Sep, 2017 @ 11:34pm 
Might not be an actual dog... Hmmm thinking emoji
ZPE 11 May, 2017 @ 6:37pm 
Hey CaveDog, long time no Lotus. Dungeon 2 is currently free @ Humble Bundle if you're interested (you should be since it's on your wishlist).
Dubstin 17 Jul, 2012 @ 3:34pm 
ohai thar caef
(ZNT) Saito (L) 7 Mar, 2012 @ 5:27am 
accepte cavedog its me Knight