Deku Scrub
J   United States
"The Lord saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." - Genesis 6:5 RSVCE
Vetrina delle recensioni
22 ore di gioco
Tales of Zestiria is a very good Tales game and the first on Steam. If you like Tales you will like this. If you don't like Tales you won't like this. If you are unsure I think it is worth checking out on sale.

+ Improved combat (now takes surrounding landscape such as doorways and rocks into account)
--------> + No longer limited by TP/forced to run up and smack things as a caster to be able to cast spells
+ 2 waifus for the price of 1
+ Lots of gameplay & story for the money (compare to 8 hour 'cinematic' AAA titles that show up a few times a year)
+ Large maps with signage make you feel like an adventurer (less like Tales of Graces F, more like Ocarina of Time)
+ No Carol, no Teepo, no highpitched whining crybaby, etc; all the characters are pretty likeable

- One of the 2 waifus leaves the party early on with practically no warning and is replaced by the 2nd waifu who uses different equipment. Do not waste time on the first waifu.
- 30FPS lock with no in-game way to change it. Not very noticeable most of the time and doesn't affect gameplay, but birds flapping their wings looks weird af because of it
- Local coop only (didn't honestly expect internet play though)

I wouldn't call this a con but if you are unfamiliar with Tales they are LOADED with cheese as far as dialogue and themes so if you can't handle saving the world through the powers of friendship you should look elsewhere.
More achievements and badges showcases please
I want to show off more of my badges and achievements but I can't :sad_creep:

PRAISE GOLD HELM I was in YOWH #1 (48520) 6/20/2015
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