6 henkilön mielestä arvostelu on hyödyllinen
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0.0 tuntia kahden viime viikon aikana / yhteensä 29.7 tuntia
Julkaistu: 12.8.2023 klo 4.02

The best analogy I can give for this is like trying to eat cereal without milk.

The story is so dry, and given without any emotion. The battles are OK, but nothing to write home about, and the interaction between your characters is super lackluster - likely due to the fact you create all of them.

All of these bar the story would be forgivable, but when the story is bad, I have a hard time trying to motivate myself to come back and play the campaign. Maybe the homebrew campaigns are better, but I highly doubt it. I tried really hard to motivate myself to play this, but I dont have unlimited time to play games.
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