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投稿日: 2021年10月30日 14時37分

Here's a little piece of knowledge for my regular readers: The Twilight Zone is one of my favourite TV series' of all time and Rod Serling is one of my creative idols. There haven't been any games that've tried to emulate what the famous show accomplished, but Midnight Scenes: The Highway tries its very best to do just that. It's a short pixel art point and click horror game that begins with the trademark downward camera pan, and ends with a cosmic twist. It's a game that lies at the pit of man's fears, and the summit of his knowledge. And without a doubt, if you're familiar with the original show, you will read the dialogue in Rod Serling's voice.

I'm not going to go into detail about the story; that's yours to discover all on your own. Since this title is so short, giving any of it away would sour the entire experience. Suffice it to say, it's an enjoyable homage in every sense of the word. If I could give the developer any bit of constructive feedback, it would be to make the mouse cursor a different colour as it's far too easy to overlook a clickable area due to the white-on-white attribute.

The price of $3.39 CAD does seem pretty steep for a game that can be finished in 10-15 minutes, but the trade off is that you're getting something that's high quality. This isn't some asset flip filled with stock Unity garbage, it's a game that has beautifully detailed pixel artwork with seven environment scenes and several close-up spots beyond that. You're also getting a unique sci-fi story with an unpredictable outcome, even though it ends on a typical Twilight Zone note; which is perfectly fine, given the source inspiration. If you're a fan of The Twilight Zone and, like me, have been aching for a horror game with similar properties, Midnight Scenes: The Highway won't disappoint you.

Rating: 4.5/5.0 - Excellent, highly worth playing.
The Horror Network Curator | Group Click for Gore
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