I'm very interested in strategy games and RPG, but I really like playing just about anything.

If your a bot just turn away now.

If it's a trade offer send me a message and we'll talk about it.

also so i never lose my favorite symbol. ☣
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35 hrs on record
last played on 25 Feb
90 hrs on record
last played on 20 Feb
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8.7 hrs on record
last played on 16 Feb
Hollow Demon 18 Jan @ 11:53pm 
Where you been man. You don't write, You don't call, I see how it is. hope life been treating you right. XD
Zorboraux 8 Mar, 2023 @ 12:57am 
There once was a man, whom was visited by a big black horse, he opened the door, and said " come on in!" of course. what happened next? Just ask the source :haveasmoke:
Hugz 4 Drugz 4 Mar, 2023 @ 12:54pm 
Hey Buddie! I know its been a long time, but wanted to let ya know that me and Jason are still here and hope youre doing well!
Boopwuffliesnoot 28 Dec, 2021 @ 2:28am 
Damn good friend, lovely person, chaotic as hell and one of the best cooks in the world.
Hollow Demon 25 Oct, 2020 @ 11:46pm 
You're A ♥♥♥♥♥ :hacking: :pixelnoct:
HarryTheNarwhal 26 May, 2018 @ 8:08am 
-━━━━━┓  \  ┃You have been visited
 / \  ┃  /  ┃
    \ ┃ /   ┃
     \┃/    ┃
┏━━━━(♥)━━━━┛By the windmill
┃    /┃ \
┃  /  ┃  \
┃ /   ┃   \/
┃ \   ┗━━━━━ Of friendship