The Doctor
David Tennant
No Refunds! Other account
-Do you speak English?
David Tennant.
...-3 to 5 times a week.
-No, I mean..male/female?
-Yes, male,female and sometimes camels.
-Holy cow!
-Yes, cows, sheep...Animals in general.
-Oh dear,
-No deers are too fast.
Atualmente offline
The Doctor 27 mar. 2013 às 1:34 
Offer me brother!
AAA 26 mar. 2013 às 17:59 
How much would I be paying you?
The Doctor 26 mar. 2013 às 15:33 
Well, you pay me, you get an account! :)
AAA 26 mar. 2013 às 14:18 
Oh, how are you selling Netflix?
The Doctor 26 mar. 2013 às 13:04 
Cuz valve mad.
AAA 26 mar. 2013 às 11:16 
Why are you banned?