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Publicada: 29 nov. 2020 às 16:58
Atualizada: 29 nov. 2020 às 20:23

1. GOTY 2020

2. One of the best JRPGs of all time and a major breath of fresh air to the genre with it's story, setting, and features. It actually stars adults -- not a bunch of teenagers and deals with very relatable themes to adults.
Boomer Earthbound/Persona in the best ways possible.

3. Easily top 3 Yakuza game ever made. It's tied with Yakuza 0 for greatest for me. Yakuza fans offput by the turn based combat shouldn't be as it's actually faster than the other games in most instances and quite fun.

Best Yakuza ending of all time. Cried like a ♥♥♥♥♥.

10 + Ichi /10
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