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125.0 hrs on record (122.7 hrs at review time)
The PSN accounts are no longer required, god bless democracy.

Posted 6 May.
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29.3 hrs on record (17.5 hrs at review time)
Really fun game, but there is such a difficulty hike on mission 6, even with near max level marines, it's so difficult. That, coupled with the bugs I've had, mainly marines and aliens getting stuck in objects and basically soft-locking me, forcing me to reload an autosave. On that note, why can't we manual save outside of combat? I get the save scumming aspect, but when I'm forced to reload an autosave from 10 minutes ago several times because of a hard encounter, it gets old quickly.

This may sounds like a negative review but there's a lot of fun I've had with this game when it works correctly. Please fix the technical issues.

Also I can see some sort of horde mode for this being fun, whether the devs add that or give people modding tools to add it themselves, that'd be cool.
Posted 21 June, 2023.
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4.7 hrs on record (2.2 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Fun in it's current state.

Had a few issues with teamkillers who seem to find it fun to kill you, then revive you just to kill you again, would appreciate a feature to deter this.
Posted 18 May, 2023.
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1.6 hrs on record (1.1 hrs at review time)
played for an hour, hate the handling, and the cartoony effects are annoying and offputting

edit: another 30 minutes, you car wipes out at the slightest ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ touch on EASY, AND you still have only 10 restarts per night on the EASY difficulty. This is meant to be an arcade racer, give those of us who wanna just chill and race cool cars a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ option without these ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ "dark souls" mechanics. EA clowns thinking that if they force us to have limited restarts and cut out the chill fun of the game they can turn it into the next new "competitive scene". and ♥♥♥♥ you for recording all those trash talk lines that play max volume in my ear if a car materialises in front of me from nowhere and I can't avoid it because the handling model is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Posted 17 May, 2023. Last edited 18 May, 2023.
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348.8 hrs on record (193.1 hrs at review time)
I hate this game more with every update.

17/08/2023: I wasn't wrong. Every weekly sucks more.

19/09/2023: The UI sucks even more now, and what's the deal with the popup asking me if I want to play again after I lose a run? Just take me back to the menu, that was fine.

10/12/2023: How did they even manage to make the weeklies worse? Genuine garbage and it feels like you get the pets you need to upgrade even less than in previous updates. Wouldn't be surprised if it's a ploy to get people to play more and buy their cosmetics.
Posted 7 April, 2023. Last edited 9 December, 2023.
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21.6 hrs on record (5.6 hrs at review time)
runs okay for me, but it's using 98% of my vram, gg
Posted 28 March, 2023.
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92.6 hrs on record (82.9 hrs at review time)
I am a baby and cannot survive survival mode, even on easy. I enjoy the story though, it holds your hand just enough to enjoy the mechanics and not just stumble off a rock and die. Can still happen though. Awesome game, buy the full edition and watch yourself become badass survivor person.
Posted 5 December, 2022.
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11.6 hrs on record (10.2 hrs at review time)
Didn't experience any of the other issues people had, played through the game in 1 sitting on easy with no crashes, had a blast.

Will admit, a few areas of the game are quite slow and can become tedious at times, but the further I got the more I enjoyed the areas and enemies.
The inventory is an issue for quite a while, by the end of the game it's no longer an issue but having to leave items behind bothered me, also felt like earlier on in the game the vendor machines were very scarce.

7-8/10 overall, very graphically good looking but had it's gameplay issues and the story was... less than captivating at times.
Posted 2 December, 2022.
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46.2 hrs on record (9.7 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
good game but the ai can dome you through a 10 inch wall if they know you're there, kinda frustrating when it's nigh-impossible to figure out where they are before you're dead, hopefully they update the ai in future to be challenging but also fair
Posted 1 January, 2022.
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88.4 hrs on record (21.1 hrs at review time)
Hot fresh edit: 15/11/2023: It's trying to be fortnite, but it sucks at even doing that. If any of the people in charge ever read any of the reviews, read this one. ♥♥♥♥ you, you money grabbing, trust fund having, ♥♥♥♥ heads. Games are meant to be fun, not a fresh avenue for you to get new wallpaper funds. Treat us with respect, and we'll treat you with respect. Until then, I hope you get painful haemorrhoids. Peace.

Edit 18/06/2022: They lowered the prices, and are now trying to slowly raise them again to appease the corporate overlords at Microsoft, hooray! Cosmetics are still paywalled and cannot be earned in any way other than shelling out for their in-game currency to buy them when they eventually rotate through the store again in another bundle of items where you only want one of them but pay £10 for 6-7 just for the attachment you wanted. Poor business practices in it's finest form. Why don't you add some lootcrates while you're at it trying to rinse us?

If you want people to like your game, stop paywalling cosmetics, let people earn points from playing and to be able to unlock the attachments they want within a reasonable amount of time without being FORCED to pay. It doesn't matter if your multiplayer is free, that's not a pass to say "anything goes" and charge kidney prices for armour paints. Get a grip, you're rapidly killing the halo franchise for anyone who genuinely cared about it.

Edit 23/11/2021: The event is even more wallet rinsing garbage, you can only progress the event pass through the terrible rng fiesta mode where you lose nearly every match because you spawn with double shotguns and the enemy gets launchers and swords, and the challenges for event xp are sprinkled throughout your weekly challenges too, so you either use challenge swaps or grind even more.

On top of that, half the stuff they showed off in the event trailer can only be bought through the store, they actually expect you to grind the event pass then shell out another £40 if you want the event cosmetics.
This is straight up highway robbery and the more I play this game and 343 shows their hand, the more I'm disgusted.
They took the pride of most people's teenage years and turned it into a cash cow worse than the worst gacha game.

*This is a review for the multiplayer beta, prior to campaign release.*

Now look, I need to say this first, the game is pretty good. But frankly it doesn't feel like it has a lot of heart and soul put into it right now.

The shop and cosmetic system is a blatant cash grab by 343 and Microsoft, and the battle pass is only good if you're willing to pay the £10 for the "premium" version, as everything you earn on the "free" version is pretty much just challenge swaps and the occasional visor colour.

It feels like it goes against the spirit of the halo multiplayer I know best, mainly 3 and Reach, due to the lack of a levelling/promotion system separate from the battle pass that allows people to earn new cosmetic flavour for their spartans(or vehicles and weapons, in the case of infinite), simply from playing over time. Plenty of people are already complaining about the "second job" amount of time you need to grind the levels right now, due to the abysmal amount of xp you get from challenges, and the lack of xp from playing matches themselves.

It seems like some of the people making the major choices for that aspect of the multiplayer seemed to forget to go back and see what actually made the multiplayer fun for people in older games, because we definitely didn't play them because of the "HCS" and "competitive gameplay" that's plastered everywhere like a huge sore. Halo was never competitive at it's core, sure people got good and that's great, mastering a game is a huge sense of achievement for people, but catering to pro play and assuming everyone wants that from the get go is frankly embarrassing and is actively driving people away right now.

We don't want CS:GO but Halo, or Fortnite but Halo, or CoD:Warzone but Halo. We just want something that reminds us of the fun we had playing after high school every night, and messing around in forge and custom games(I know they're coming later), or making the CHOICE to grind our asses off to unlock that damn katana because it was a sense of pride to earn it. Not this, not the nade spam, the melee spam, the terrible spawns and the bullet magnetism for one side of crossplay but not the other.

It needs improvement and while I love to have Halo again, I can't recommend this in it's current state. Devs are too concerned with money and not enough with letting us have fun.
Posted 21 November, 2021. Last edited 14 November, 2023.
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