
Daki Destroya Taker 最近的评测

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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 4.1 小时
It's a beautiful watch and read story of the MC and a lovely cute silly Fox Spirit Girl (or aka a Kemonomimi Fox or a Kitsune). The story is so beautiful and very thought out for the characters and others ideas put into it, and amazing artwork for all the scenes in game and for the Characters like a OC artwork, in certain parts of the story, it made me cry on those parts. i had the auto speed set to i think 30 or 25 so i can read it well and keep up with the auto speed to follow along with the characters, trying to feel they're feelings kind of like doing a RP/ERP or reading a RP thingy lol.

So far the one little problem i had was, when you boot up the game, the background music and main sounds were too loud, as you are unable to turn down the music volume in game, and you have to turned down your main PC volume level

But i'll say this. i would recommend this game if you love (Fox Spirit's, Kemonomimi Fox's, and/or Kitsune's) and love to read through a thought out story like a RP you love to read, and of course watch the Characters maybe can help you out on plot ideas or OC's ideas or something to maybe put in your D&D base story or something. i wonder if the characters in this are someone OC's or few people OC's. what do you think?
发布于 2023 年 1 月 31 日。
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