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投稿日: 2021年6月4日 2時31分
更新日: 2021年6月4日 2時47分

The new class is fun to play and that's all that matters, it's quite cheap and it's worthy of your money. This is, of course, if you casually play this game, for fun, and not to be some edge lord that says that ''oN hIgHeR dIfFiCuLtIes'' it's useless. Not all classes are meant for everybody, one class does something, the other does something else and to complain about this not being good at one thing makes me wonder if you are really qualified to give your opinion about what is good and what is not good in this game.

And of course you can't block with the new two weapons, why do you think they are in the ranged weapon slot? I think those who complain about this are the ones who shoot you in the back of the head with from behind on every occasion and only use the bow because they think this is some sort of shooter game. No, they are not meant for blocking they are made for ranged kills and for killing specials, if you want to block use the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ weapon from the first slot.

The skill tree is good, there are some nice skill combos that you can choose from, the character's model looks good, the weapons are fun to play, so overall, this is a good class and a good DLC.
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