Faith Winter
"Now I'm older but with all your guidance.. Even with all my flaws, you've taught me to rise up through all the stars and shine so bright. One might ask, who cares if one more light goes out? But I do. I just hope, throughout it all, I'll find peace in this life."

I often find myself reflecting on my life, especially the time when I was a child. Back then, life seemed like a dream, floating by gently without any of the complexities I understand now. I’d say it all started to change when I was around 10. That was when I feel like I truly gained consciousness—when I became aware of life’s challenges. Since then, things have felt heavier. There have been good moments, sure, but in many ways, the difficult times have been more frequent, more intense.

Now, as I stand on the brink of adulthood, I find myself feeling a strange mix of emotions. Honestly, I never thought I’d make it to eighteen. It always felt so far away, as if I’d never reach it. Yet, here it is, just around the corner, waiting for me. And despite all these years I’ve spent on this earth, I still don’t feel like I have it figured out. I don’t know what I’m doing, and it’s unsettling.

I don’t have grand dreams or specific aspirations, and that makes me feel lost sometimes. All I want is to be myself, to live authentically, but even that feels like a selfish goal. Maybe I am selfish, in some ways. I can’t help but think about all my flaws—how I’m not as talented as the people around me seem to be. Everyone else seems so good at what they do, due to all their hardwork. And when it comes to the things I love, the things I really care about, I’m not even good at those, no matter how hard I try. It feels like no matter what I do, I’ll never measure up.

Yet, despite all this uncertainty, I still have hope. It’s strange to think about, but deep down, I believe I can be better, that I can grow and rise above all of this. I don’t know where that hope comes from, but it’s there, quietly pushing me forward. Maybe I will rise through the stars one day.

I often think about what comes after this life. Is there anything after death? Is it an endless abyss, or something more, like heaven or hell? I have no answers, no certainties. But what I do know is that, whatever awaits me, I want to make sure I enjoy the time I have on this earth. Whether some form of an afterlife is real or not, I want to find peace and fulfillment while I’m here.

Sincerely, Faith.
Faith Winter ~ Hope Among the Stars
"We were just simple kids, you and I. The world was vast, and our dreams were small, but it never mattered. Life threw hardships our way, made our path difficult and posed challenges that we never could've imagined. And yet, we didn't give up. With every fall, we got back up, and with every loss, we grew stronger. Now I'm just a little bit older, worn from the battles I've fought, but despite the scars within my mind, there's still something I carry with me—your kindness. Through it all, you never lost that gentle spirit. So embrace your stories, your memories, and the values that shaped you from the very day you were born. Hold on to them, because they are what make you, you. Please, me of the future, don't ever lose the fight. Keep moving forward, no matter what life may bring." | "私たちはただの子供でした、あなたも私も。 世界は広大で、私たちの夢は小さかったのですが、決して重要ではありませんでした。 人生は私たちの道を困難にし、私たちが想像もできなかった挑戦を投げかけました。 それでも、私たちは諦めませんでした。 秋になるごとに、私たちは立ち直り、失うたびに、私たちは強くなりました。 今では私は年をとり、戦った戦いに疲れ果てていますが、心の傷にもかかわらず、私にはまだ持っているものがあります。あなたの優しさです。 その間、あなたは決してその優しい精神を失いませんでした。 だから、あなたの物語、あなたの記憶、そしてあなたが生まれたその日からあなたを形作った価値観を受け入れましょう。 なぜなら、それらがあなたをつくるものだからです。 どうか、私の未来の私は、決して戦いに負けませんように。 人生が何をもたらすかに関係なく、前進し続けます。"