Todd Weisenburg   Lancaster, New York, United States
Not much to say really... :nonplussed_creep:

too many bundles, why did I just buy another bundle... :rcry:

When I'm not on Steam, I'm on: Xbox Live - DGMpayne , PSN - DGM-payne

Da Gaming Mafia [www.dagamingmafia.com]
Riskening! (personal blog) [www.riskening.com]
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DGM-payne 17 aug, 2013 @ 0:34 
:B1: + :plane: = :postcardf:
DGM-payne 22 jul, 2013 @ 21:37 
Wish you were her... :postcardf:
DGM-payne 19 jul, 2013 @ 20:06 
Andrew Ryan 14 jul, 2013 @ 12:56 
Correct! Not quite sure how the system works, but when I personally crafted a badge I got: the badge, one emoticon, one of the cards returned to me (for a headstart on Level 2 I guess) and a background. :D:
Andrew Ryan 11 jul, 2013 @ 13:18 
...because I buy way too many games. ;) You get a card for each 10USD spent, and I could not resist Bioshock Infinite!
Jakelopolis 1 jan, 2013 @ 18:15 
I remember reading about it back in 2006 lol