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Senaste recensioner av decizion

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Visar 21–30 av 535 poster
112 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
15.2 timmar totalt (10.3 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
This game rules. 👌

Selaco is by far one of the best indie modern retro FPS of the last decade.
If you enjoyed games like F.E.A.R. or old school DOOM by all means give it a shot, I guarantee you won't be disappointed.


The gunplay is incredibly satisfying, guns are punchy, gore effects and enemies death animations are great.
Speaking about the enemies and gunfights well I mentioned F.E.A.R. previously and I can tell you that Selaco is the only game to reproduce but also improve so well the F.E.A.R. formula of tight encounters combat.
The enemies in Selaco just like F.E.A.R. will flinch when hit by your guns, try to dodge or find covers when attacked or they may also try to flank you.


The talented people at Altered Orbit Studios also did an amazing job with the sprite works and 3D assets.
In most of the levels there's so many interactable and destructible objects it create a very dynamic experience.
The levels are oozing with atmosphere, for some reasons I'm getting strong Killzone 2 vibes from this game and Killzone 2 is one of my favorite games ever.
Honestly for a game running on the GZDoom engine Selaco looks incredible.


The soundtrack is dope, sound effects are awesome and complement the gameplay perfectly.
Huge kudos to Cockatrice for creating that clean Selaco UI (CockUI), it looks so clean and well presented it's a pleasure to navigate these custom menus.
What a blessing to not have to navigate the default GZDoom menus for options and settings.

That’s an easy recommendation for this one.
I cannot wait to play this more when I will be free of my Destiny 2 addiction.
Not much more to say, Selaco is a must have if you enjoy modern retro FPS.

Early access rating 9/10.
Upplagd 31 maj.
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40 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
7 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
25.2 timmar totalt (4.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Actually a good game, just sad it was epic exclusive for a year.
Great graphics with sick gore effects, it looks amazing.
The combat while nothing special and not really impressive is still enjoyable.

After all these years in development hell it's surprising to see Dead Island 2 turned out to be a decent game.
Worth buying on discount if you enjoy slaying zombies.
It's definitely not better than Dying Light 2 though.

Rating 7/10.
Upplagd 23 april.
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77 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
5.5 timmar totalt (0.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Killer7 + Sniper Elite on crack. ✔️
Amazing art style, simple but satisfying gameplay.
Fairly priced, easy recommendation from me.
Upplagd 9 april.
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16 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
4.1 timmar totalt (3.9 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Early Access-recension
Virvius is a good indie FPS. 👍

Nice level design, cool retro graphics and satisfying gunplay.
It's a solo developer project so of course it's not perfect but there's a lot of potential.
For just 4.99€ I can say it's well worth the price of admission in my opinion.
I enjoyed playing the first episode and can't wait to play the upcoming levels.

Here's a quick gameplay video if you are interested.

Early access rating 6.5/10.
Upplagd 6 april.
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5 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
3 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
1.5 timmar totalt
Pure garbage.🤢

Slow as hell gameplay Clunky movements. Insane lags. Horrible inventory system. Mediocre combat. Trash tier graphics. Uninspired environments. Generic enemies design. Forced PVP. Way too punishing if you die. Game balance is a joke. Unintuitive and confusing menus. Awful optimization.

This is by far the worst extraction shooter I played in my life.
Nothing to save here, cancel the game or rework everything.
Even The Cycle, Hawked or Hawken Reborn are better than this.

Closed beta rating 1/10.
Upplagd 31 mars.
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50 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
4 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
65.2 timmar totalt (16.7 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
Outpost: Infinity Siege is a good game with lot of interesting ideas.

Sadly at launch the experience was ruined because the game had serious crashing issues.
If you crash during missions you lose all progress and loot, it can happen for no apparent reasons especially in early game and some story cinematics.
However it seems they worked extra hours and deployed many patches that fixed most of my personal crashes, cannot confirm it was fixed for everyone though.
This is a damn shame they decided to release the game in such a poor state, it's been review bombed on steam for the last few days and rightfully so.

The gunplay is good but the enemies AI is not that good, they are pretty much brain dead, their pathfinding is really bad and their running and attacks animations looks garbage. Graphically the game looks nice most of the times but my god these interiors with half baked lighting looks horrible.

The exploration + looting feels rewarding, I'm not 100% sure if it's procedurally generated but you pretty much never know what you will find in the maps.
While scavenging the maps can be fun unfortunately there's some annoying bugs that must be fixed ASAP, like the loot glitching under the map, key quest items required to progress missions somehow getting placed in non designated points of interest loot areas. The game can be considered grindy at some point, forcing you to grind previous missions because you will need special items to craft stuff and progress the story.

Outpost: Infinity Siege offer a pretty neat concept of mixing tower defense, base building, extraction shooter and FPS elements.
It's far from perfect and there's obvious balance issues when playing solo but it's still enjoyable nonetheless most of the times.
Not sure what these developers were thinking but it's really not fun looting maps for hours in tour mode just to get our outpost swarmed from all sides and lose everything during the final mission.

Despite it's many problems and short comings I think it's pretty well done for an indie game and it's worth giving it a try if it looks interesting to you.
However you better keep in mind that the game is very complex and kinda hard to get into. The controls are not very intuitive and the fact they don't update on the hud if you set custom keybinds is a major issue.
There's a lot of different systems to learn and the game doesn't particularly do a great job at teaching the players the mechanics.

Right now unfortunately the game is plagued with bugs, crashing and performances issues.
I only recommend it because I like the concept but you should definitely hold off on buying it now and wait for them to fix all the bugs and polish the game some more.
This should have been released as early access honestly because this was not ready for 1.0.

Rating 6/10.
Upplagd 29 mars.
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8.8 timmar totalt
Early Access-recension
It's alright but not amazing.

Six years later it's still in early access and still a 6/10 at best.
The graphics looks washed out with grayish tones, textures are low quality, honestly it's very middling graphically.
Controls are decent and the sense of speed is good enough but not insane.

Very slow updates and I'm not a fan of the new drifting boost mechanics.
The game was better in the earlier builds with the original gameplay IMHO.
Super Pilot is not really worth buying unless you're a super fan of the genre.
Upplagd 25 mars. Senast ändrad 5 april.
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2 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
5 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.7 timmar totalt
Better than BallisticNG but it"s not really good. Early impressions 5/10.
Upplagd 25 mars. Senast ändrad 25 mars.
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22 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
8 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
2.5 timmar totalt (1.4 timmar när recensionen skrevs)
"Whoopsie, blah, blah, blah..."

Aaaahh Broadside Games finally released their game, too bad it's trash !
Seven years in the making so it should have some redeeming qualities you might think?
Well think again because the final product is nothing more than a failure.

Bears In Space gunplay is garbage, the guns don't feel satisfying, they don't feel impactful at all with almost no hits feedback.
The movements are clunky, it kinda feel like your character is crawling through mud all the time and my god these air control physics and jump height are awful.
Overall the combat is boring, basically you enter rooms and bunch of enemies will spawn out of nowhere.

It is also with great disappointment that I have to say that the level design is mediocre, unimaginative and predictable.
The game use Unreal Engine 5 but somehow the graphics looks horrible and washed out.
Broadside Games tried to do some kind of bullet hell fps with this but unfortunately during fights it just looks like disgusting vomit of pixels.
I appreciate the tentative of the authors but it's not like everyone can pretend to be awesome like Returnal heh.

Bears In Space also try way too hard to be funny but it never really is, it's embarassing.
Whoever told you it was a good game or that it's funnier than High On Life is either sniffing copium or a paid shill.
Bears In Space is not pure garbage but it's pretty close to it, there's nothing good here, it's just not fun to play.
Finally quick note for the developers forcing players doing stupid trash tier mini games like Asteroids, Simon Says or Godzilla simulator for exaples is just not what I want in my boomer shooters.

Honestly if you are interested I would suggest waiting for the game to reach bargain bin prices, that's where it belongs, it's not worth the money.
I will not be refunding because I followed the project for many years and I like supporting indie fps games but in the end it's sad to see it was not worth the wait.

The argument of saying that Bears In Space was created by only three people and we should be more indulgent is not valid and doesn't give the game a free pass because there's plenty other solo developer or small team fps out there that are way better than this.

Here's a quick list you'll thank me later.

Rating 3/10.
Upplagd 23 mars.
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105 personer tyckte att denna recension var hjälpsam
2 personer tyckte att denna recension var rolig
0.0 timmar totalt
The Witch Queen was a decent campaign but only buy it on huge discount.
Destiny 2 is a good game ruined because of the greed and poor management of Bungie.
A damn shame because the gunplay is fun and entertaining.

They removed tons of content, entire campaigns, game modes and seasonal content.
New players cannot really understand the story because of that.
Some might say it's not a really good story but still might interest some players.
If you ever start playing this game today then you must know that you missed out on lots of weapons you can no longer get (crafted and non crafted too).

This game is FOMO at it's purest form.
If you buy the seasons passes you still have to do tedious grind to unlock what you paid for, you basically pay to grind here and you are basically locked to play Destiny almost non stop to get what you paid for.
So it's certainly not a game I would recommend to people with little to no time to play.

I stopped playing Destiny 2 last December and now I see I missed a lot of stuff because of their anti player FOMO practices.
The future for this game is uncertain, I will come back to it for The Final Shape but things are not looking promising.
Upplagd 22 mars.
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