brkn cntrllr
You must be commenting because I asked for a sign or because you're mad :steammocking:.

Socials: @D1Rizky
katrinaleeanne 2 Αυγ 2024, 10:10 
DID YOU KNOW WE HAVE BEEN FRIENDS FOR ALMOST 2 YEARS?????????????????? two years TWO YEARS. absolutely insane. Thank you for sticking around that long. Stick around a bit longer and I may finally let you win marbles (never). love u.

- signed, Kat <3
Zoranthegod 1 Ιουν 2024, 23:49 
you're welcome
Rick Simpson 21 Φεβ 2024, 9:09 
Signed by Zurx :D
yegs 27 Ιουν 2023, 8:52 
yeggy was here <3
Hirsch 21 Μαϊ 2023, 22:42 
signed by Hirsch
GronkMan 6 Απρ 2023, 0:59 
Best crab champions player I know