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Recent reviews by Cyrow

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32.0 hrs on record (26.0 hrs at review time)
Almost done with my first play trough and I can't express how amazing this game is.
Had to switch off my normal Souls-like mindset of bashing my head against bosses again and again and instead learn all the different possibilities the game offers when it comes down to building Armored Cores.

Every time i make a new AC and think to myself, this is the one. No one is going to be able to defeat this absolute beast. Queue the next boss and he's having me over his knee spanking my ass bringing me back to the assembly and making a new core that perfectly counters him.
Defeating bosses in AC6 feels more like your creativity as an AC builder wins and not your skills with perfectly dodging/ parrying the bosses every move. It's a lovely breath of fresh air from the usual "Keep trying and get good" type of games while still keeping that amazing feeling when overcoming the next challenge.

I would advice everyone playing the game for the first time to not look up any guides or "Top 5 AC design" video's or "Highest DPS weapon in AC" and just go around testing the different possibilities and weapons the game has to offer. You'll have a lot more fun beating the game with your own original designs than you will with other peoples cores.
Posted 13 October, 2023.
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40.6 hrs on record (20.1 hrs at review time)
I almost didn't buy the game because of all the negative comments but I'm super happy that I did!
Ryzen 9 3900X
2070 Super

The game is running fine for me, I haven't had any lag or stutters with my settings on Medium.
Sure it could use some improvements but it's perfectly playable as is.

The gameplay is a lot of fun and in some ways better than in MHW.
All the weapons feel really versatile and each have a great mechanic that make them viable as main weapon.
It's not a 100% perfect game but I didn't expect it to be seeing as it's a new IP made from scratch.

I can recommend this game to every fan of MHW that wants to hunt new and cool monsters with some killer gameplay.
Posted 28 March, 2023.
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89.8 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
Amazing game, so happy it's finally released on steam!
Posted 6 December, 2022.
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86.3 hrs on record (44.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I swear my next ship will be better.......
Posted 5 November, 2022.
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14.3 hrs on record (13.1 hrs at review time)
The game feels and plays absolutely amazing. The pacing of the game is very well done and i've had a lot of fun playing the game.
The last level of the game however is completely insane. They just pump enemies after enemies in the same location upping the difficulty to a point where you get stunlocked by enemy attacks if you stop walking for a single second.
This is an artificial way of difficulty i don't agree with seeing as it's still the same enemies you fight with no real mechanical changes.
Posted 15 July, 2020.
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6.0 hrs on record (3.6 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm going to recommend the game because it is a lot of fun to play together with a friend in VR and it also has a lot of potential.
However as to be expected from a early access game it has a lot of flaws. The biggest one would be the framerate issue.
I personally run the game on normal with a GTX970.
My friend runs the game on high with a GTX1080TI and we are both experianceing a lot of framerate issues making the game annoying to play.
Everytime a battle starts I become useless for a good 2 seconds because my game starts laggin at around 15fps.
Even my friend with the GTX1080TI gets framerate drops when we encounter a large group of enemies making the screen flash and stutter.

I think that the primairy focus of the development for now should be optimizing the game, making sure it doesn't eat 80% - 90% of my GTX970 GPU even when idle and after that start focussing on more content.

Overal the combat is fun. Multiplayer works great as it is. Loot system is fun. definately a must get for VR coop experiances.

Edit: See comments for response from the dev! Great guy.
Posted 4 July, 2018. Last edited 6 July, 2018.
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267.2 hrs on record (200.2 hrs at review time)
Easy to learn.
Hard to master.

Reeaalllyyyy hard to master.
Posted 25 November, 2016.
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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries