Curzon Dax
United States
wait what is this section for

Discord: Curzon#0001/6128
Xbox: Wob5001
"If you are to truly understand, then you will need the contrast, not adherance to a single idea." - Kreia

"Someone once told me that time was a predator that stalked us all our lives. But I rather believe than time is a companion who goes with us on the journey, and reminds us to cherish every moment because they'll never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we lived." - Jean Luc Picard

"This world doesn't like those who are different. Don't let anyone tell you who you should be." - Carl Manfred

"So much easier to see the world in black and white. Grey? I don't know what to do with Grey." - Garrus Vakarian
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1,108 hrs on record
last played on 14 Mar
15.2 hrs on record
last played on 11 Mar
84 hrs on record
last played on 7 Mar
AzarTheUnlucky 5 Jun, 2024 @ 1:47am 
i love tcw best show ever man i wish ahsoka was real then life would be awesome sauce man i love the dathomirian nightsisters and nightbrothers man i love dave filoni and goofy quinlan voose man i love only having three ship types in any given fleet man anakin growing hair in only two months is TIGHT man i love ahsoka man i love tcw man i love terrosit barriss man this best show ever man so good 10/10 and so respectful of the old canon i love deve fiooni he is a genius a brilliant showrunner he should have control of star wars from day 1 if star wars was made by dave fiona then there would be no bad movies only 10/10 cool great awesome sauce stuff anyone who diagrees is a misogoinisitic hater and should be sent to alcatraz for 13 life senteces because that's ahsoka age
SpartaCody 14 Dec, 2023 @ 1:29pm 
imagine getting name banned for 24 hours
Tivion 31 Jul, 2023 @ 8:14pm 
Turbkey Samdwich
Blanky 31 Jul, 2023 @ 8:12pm 
this guy sucks eggs dude. uncool!
[PS] Saron 26 Jan, 2020 @ 12:18pm 
I'm Rick Harrison and this is my Rick Harrison. I work here with my Rick Harrison and my son, Rick Harrison. Everything here has a Rick, and a Harrison. One Rick I've Harrison after 21 years - you never Rick what is Harrison through that Harrison.