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24/31 (77%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

Welcome Back!

Well, that could have gone better. Also, a lot worse.
Avattu 10.8.2021 klo 14.42


Huh. Ok then. Hm.
Avattu 9.12.2021 klo 6.10

The End

Oh no. Oh no no no no.
Avattu 7.5.2022 klo 15.14

Changing Of The Seasons

Shorter Days, Longer Nights
Avattu 7.5.2022 klo 16.04


Avattu 1.5.2022 klo 12.24

Best Available Friend

Proximity counts.
Avattu 6.5.2022 klo 16.04

He’s from somewhere.

And it’s here. And there’s a trampoline!
Avattu 7.5.2022 klo 14.16


“Everything Sucks Forever” says 15 year old horror aficionado and train tracks lurker Lori M.
Avattu 8.5.2022 klo 9.52

Mother Of Vermin

Feed them once and they’re yours.
Avattu 28.11.2021 klo 16.01

Miracle Rats

Hope springs, rats multiply.
Avattu 2.12.2021 klo 18.01

Dusk Stargazer

That sounds like someone’s name if they could name themselves at age 10.
Avattu 8.5.2022 klo 9.44


!!!You have ascended the Demon’s Tower!!!
Avattu 18.7.2021 klo 13.09


Stop the bleeding.
Avattu 23.2.2022 klo 17.36

At The End Of Everything

Well, that was weird.
Avattu 8.5.2022 klo 10.27

Thryy Wyrd Tyyns

Spooky magic or something. Who knows.
Avattu 7.5.2022 klo 16.05


Four strings and the spite to use ‘em.
Avattu 18.12.2021 klo 8.16

Jenny’s Field

Everything feels bigger and smaller.
Avattu 22.12.2021 klo 20.02

The Tooth

No Bobs, No Masters
Avattu 7.5.2022 klo 16.19


Avattu 1.5.2022 klo 12.28


Those had someone else’s mouth germs on them!
Avattu 15.11.2021 klo 18.17

You killed that poor roach.

That was evidence. Probably. Geez.
Avattu 15.11.2021 klo 18.24

Accidentally Good Dinner

Let’s not pretend it was skill.
Avattu 2.12.2021 klo 18.30

Deep Hollow Hollerers

Music fills empty spaces.
Avattu 7.5.2022 klo 13.59

Poets of Possum Springs

A blueness, a youness, a dankness, a thankness.
Avattu 18.12.2021 klo 8.44


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