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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 10.2 год. загалом
Додано: 30 груд. 2018 о 0:41

Many people encounter crashes and DLC issues
here is a link to the most common fix for crashing: https://steamproxy.net/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=233222451
and to unlock the DLC for the Ulitmate Edition just go to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Dragon Age Ultimate Edition\redist and run the "DAOU_UpdateAddinsXML_Steam" that will fix it.

I had never heard of this game and just recently found out about the series, I played Star Wars The Old Republic (MMO) and the game feels like a singleplayer version of that. This game was made when Bioware was good so the game is really well made. Many say it was their best game and although I haven't gotten around to the star wars games yet, the eight hours I have played were some of the best out of any RPG I have played in a long time.

The game is a blend of Witcher 3 questlines/story telling, Mount and Blade: Warband RPG mechanics, Biowares classic combat system smashed with Final Fantasy-esq party mechanics. Honestly it makes for one of the most unique gameplay expeirences I have ever had. The party mechanics and tactics are a bit daunting and I still havent figured it out, but you can do without them just fine.

I will give the game a final score once completed but I give it 9/10 at the moment. I took one poiont off for the age and graphics. If this game is ever remastered I would buy it in a heartbeat, so long as EA isn't the one doing it.
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