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Getting this game nearly 2 years after release I can say that this port accomplishes what it wants to do and that it brings back a very nostalgic game from a different era in video games that you are able to play on modern PC's.

I originally played this game on the N64 and while I never beat it, the game had a charm that had me coming back to it for many years. I've played this game on my N64 and emulators throughout the years but just never came to beating it. After receiving this game as a Birthday gift, I decided that this would be the time i would finally play through this game in full and experience the world of Glover!

I can't speak on comparisons between versions of the game, or which version is better. You have two options when you launch the game, PC or PS1. I went with the PC version and throughout my play through I had no problems playing the game. No bugs, no audio glitches and no visual glitches.

I also saw from other reviews that you have an option to turn on 30 or 60FPS mode. I didn't see these options and played through the game at 20 FPS. I know that seems like it would be a terrible experience, but it honestly not bad at all. After about 10 minutes I was able to get used to it and it didn't become an issue.

In all, i think the game is super fun despite it's age and some general jankyness (Which is what the game is known for) in the controls which adds to the charm in my opinion. A lot of the reviews for the game are from around the time it first released and bug fixes weren't addressed yet. While some are still around, for the most part they are harmless and do not affect your gameplay. You are still able to play the game from start to finish.

It was nice coming back to this game after so many years of just playing a little bit of it and leaving it to the side. Despite all of the technological advancements in gaming, It holds up after all these years. This game for it's time when platformers were king, wasn't considered anything special, but I can see what they were trying to do when they developed it and I enjoyed my time with it. I would definitely recommend this to someone who is looking for an old school platformer or someone who is looking for a very unique platformer.

Also the evil laugh whenever you would roam around the castle always scared me as a kid, lol.
Публикувана 26 май. Последно редактирана 26 май.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
166.7 изиграни часа (81.5 часа по време на рецензията)
This is easily one of the best games I have ever played. Rockstar did such an amazing job on this game. The amount of content alongside the visuals, soundtrack and story is absolutely incredible, a masterpiece. Everything compliments itself very well to create a wonderful immersive experience. The open world itself is massive and there is much you are able to do that it is quite impressive.

The games presentation of a pre 19th century world is quite accurate and tells a story in itself. Towns are packed with things to do in them along a plethora of dialogue between the people in it. The sheer amount of character development within the story, side missions as well as just open world things makes you connect with the main and side characters on a different level then most other games. The beginning of the game starts off slow, but once it picks up, it becomes a roller coaster of pivotal moments in the story that keep you on the edge of your seat.

Wish I was able to play this game for the first time again and experience it all. It truly was a wonderful experience. I would recommend this game to anyone, full price. Thanks for reading.
Публикувана 8 август 2021. Последно редактирана 8 август 2021.
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